Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day Nerves...

"I'm excited but scared!"
Such a perfect 1st grade picture - big gap where we finally have lost our first top big tooth!

All dressed in the outfit daddy got me.

Meeting up with my cousins - feeling slightly better to see familiar faces.

Oh-Oh! Front door! Lots of kids - no one I recognize!

Just as they open the front doors to go into class - my best friend Mia swoops in from behind and holds my hand!All is good in the world!

Getting settled. Mia is to my right and another friend Rachel is to my left.

They were ready for us to go! Secure in their friendship for the day and knowing that both Mom's will be there at the end of school to pick them up!


Maven Museings said...

Thanks for the up-date! She looks so cute with her tooth missing. Terrific pictures for posterity! That color looks great on her, too. Love, Grandma

Amy said...

Cute shots! Who is her 1st grade teacher?

Amberleigh said...

Peyton's teacher is Ms. Maupin. We've heard great things about her and are very excited about the school year!