Saturday, September 12, 2009


Pre-Game huddle! Peyton's first game was today. She was very excited and had a great time. After a few dazed moments she seemed to catch on and did great. Side line coaching is important with this age...
Peyton's right in the middle in purple.

Thanks to Ali for the super cool purple socks and shin guards! We had to upsize the shoes after the first practice (we'll get those back to you)! Peyton was very cool in head to toe purple!

Ready to kick the ball in. You can tell she's not at all sure what she's suppose to do. She'll get it and then it's just a matter of whether she really likes it or not. When we left the soccer field at 11:30 it was 83 degrees! Peyton can't wait to play in the rain!

1 comment:

Maven Museings said...

No womder she was so tired this afternoon! Great pictures. Thanks for posting.