Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pool Time...

Mid-air on her way in for a great cannon ball!
Peyton just hitting the water and Olivia just getting out. They had such a great time swimming together. Unfortunately Ali had to sit out much of the swimming activities, but was a great sport. Peyton and Olivia had jump competitions trying to outdo eachother with their fancy legwork and spins! I didn't get that many pictures because I was in the pool too trying to stay cool.

Peyton and Bella jumping together.

Peyton has made such great progress swimming! 5 days in a pool made a huge difference. She can swim the length of the pool on her own, tread water or roll to her back when needed, and most importantly do some pretty amazing jumps and then swim to the side! Bella has started swimming under water like a fish. The biggest problem is she thinks she can do it all on her own! Typical Bella fashion! They both have done great and are continuing in the lake.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for swiming lessons!
Auntie N....

Maven Museings said...

Thanks for posting all these pics. The swimming pool looks like it was just perfect for the girls! Love, Grandma