Saturday, August 29, 2009

Old Photos...

I've been trying desperately to get organized and one of my many projects has been getting the digital photos off the computers and onto an external hard drive. Mission accomplished, but now I decided I needed to organize them by year. I think I'm missing half of 2 years - bummer! I don't know what could have happened, but this is the result of being disorganized! Anyways - I've been looking at some old photos and I found these of our trip to AZ in 2005. I remember this trip vividly because we had just found out we we're pregnant with Bella but hadn't told anyone yet - it was still our little secret! We had such a great time with Peyton - just the 3 of us.

This is one of my all time favorite pics! How can anyone resist that face!

I've downloaded all of my 2007 blog posts to a book and now I'm thinking I'll make books out of these older photos. I might post a few more cute ones as I go along!

1 comment:

Maven Museings said...

Yes! I have one of you and Peyton from that trip on the frig. One of our all-time favorites! Such a big job! But do it now or it will get overwhelming!