Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend....

We didn't make it to Whistler this year for Thanksgiving, but we did make a quick trip. Never ones to stay home, we were off to the big city on Saturday and fit a lot into our two days!

The girls had their picture taken in front of every tree we saw - we're keeping a log of them. The girls decided to count how many we can get during the season.
They both remember this Chihuly sculpture from previous trips so we decided that needed to be photographed as well...

We bowled and played lots of games...

We wrote letters to Santa...

with a little help. Peyton got her first "big girl" haircut at a real salon! We stayed at a great hotel on a "high" floor, saw a holiday sidewalk parade and generally had a great time! It was a great kick-off to the season!

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