Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Silly Birds

This is the second one of these birds today. The first one had a red feather on it's head and this one had yellow. They've been hanging out on our patio. I got within inches of it and I'm sure I could have picked it up- I had to talk the girls down from trying to keep it.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Did Santa Come?

Peyton - reading Santa's note! It was a little bit of a stresser whether he was coming or not! But the girls pulled it together just in time.

The girls were super excited with their Santa gifts and decided that the girl elves must have really helped Santa out!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at Grandma & Poppa's house. The girls were busting to open some presents! They were very patient through dinner and clean up...
"My turn?"
"Ho, Oh, Oh!"
After the presents were passed out Peyton couldn't resist!
Back home getting ready for Santa and Rudolph!
Peyton left a note and we put together some cookies and milk for Santa.
Peyton's note was great and Santa left her a note back! He was very glad she had removed the bad behavior checks from beside her name in time for Christmas!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all!!!
The girls have been very busy baking cookies this year. It's been such fun!
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Monday, December 20, 2010

Lights of Christmas

We made our first trip to The Lights of Christmas. We have definately decided it will be a new family tradition! It was fabulous!

This was inside a mail box.
We had donuts that were warm - we each had an entire bag!

This family was amazing! They are all siblings. They play a ton of instruments and sing! It was one of the highlights of the evening!

Big City Christmas...

We added a couple of photos to our Christmas Tree count...
This was one of our favorites!

We saw super fancy Gingerbread Houses!

Rode the Christmas Carousel...

Even Mommy got a horse!

Bella's Rockin' Preschool!

Bella's preschool has some pretty cool parents! We have three firefighter dads that brought their fire truck to school and we have a dad that plays drums in a band. The band came to school on the last day of school before Christmas Break and did a performance just for us!
They were beyond cool! Called The Black Crabs!

The kids even got up and danced a little!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Isabella Ann

Happy Birthday to Isabella Ann, Bella, Bella Boo, Boo Bear, or just Boo!
Little did we know that you would have so many names!
So much love!
A few things we know about Bella at the age of 5:
She is her own girl...
So many things are funny...
She can muscle through almost anything...
1st Birthday with a fever of 101, but we stil had cake.

she loves hats,
and high speed,

she's always thirsty...

2nd Birthday!
Pictures of herself are especially funny!

She is the cutest Bumble Bee ever!

Naked is always better!
She's always loved her veggies...
She'll tolerate the cold for a good snow angle, but would much rather be at the beach.
3rd Birthday!
She has her very own sense of style.
Loves to try new things, especially when everyone else isn't sure.
Blazin' a Trail...
I'm funny!!
4th Birthday!!!
She can really jump!
She learns something new every day!

Did I mention she has her own sense of style?
This is her preferred location.
She's sporty.
5th Birthday!
Time flies! Who knew she'd be so spunky! Bella has proven to be resilient, funny, loving, generous, sassy, independent and occasionally goofy. We wouldn't change her for the world!