Saturday, June 26, 2010

Should We Scramble Them...

Evidently Not!
These were our take home from the farm Poppa took the girls to today. We had such a great time visiting with all the horses and chickens! Peyton noticed a hen sitting on what she thought was a nest. No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Mike (the guy with the farm) was saying, "Well, I'll bet she just laid some eggs! Let's check!" Sure enough, there were about 6 eggs. Then..... "Here, how 'bout you take a couple home?" This was not really a question, as he put the eggs into the hands of very eager girls! Peyton was on board with scrambling them up - she loves eggs! Until Poppa - Bless him - mentioned an incubator! Well, here we are, with our two lovely eggs under a heat lamp because I refused to spend $80 on an incubator. So, if I can keep them a consistent 99.5 degrees, with the proper humidity and turn them 3 times a day - we'll have two baby chicks in 21 days! Wish us luck - we'll need it!

1 comment:

Maven Museings said...

I'm laughing so hard I have tears! Good Luck!