Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bella's V-Day Party...

Bella has been wanting to have a pajama day at school since Peyton had her first of the year way back in October! She finally got her wish on Thursday! She was so excited to wear her favorite PJ's! They start the day in the gym riding trikes and playing... This is her on a double trike with her friend Tori.

Then into class for some craft time. She made a great Valentine!
Pancakes! Yummy!

Circle time - Mommy stayed!

Singing "Skida-ma-rink-a-dink"
She had a great day!


Maven Museings said...

Purple with Pandas. They'd be my favorites, too! Looking good, Bella! Love, Grandma and Poppa

Anonymous said...

Sound like a wonderful day with lots of fond memories collected - love the purple jammies! Auntie N