Friday, February 26, 2010

What do you collect...

Peyton collects shells! The first grade of her school (all 3 classes) had a Collection Fair. The kids had to decide what they wanted to share, write about it, illustrate their writing and then set up their collection in the gym and answer questions from the other grades.
Peyton did great! She picked out this fabric from the fabric store all by herself because it looked like sand. Then set everything up by herself.

She kept shooing me away and wanted me to leave. I was a little bummed she didn't want me to stay until the bitter end, however, a little independence is a good thing.

Bella Sings...

Considering a year ago she wouldn't have even attempted to sing along - I think we're doing pretty well! It's amazing how much more confidence she has now that she can communicate - maybe a little too much sometimes, but we are still very thankful! This is also old. Blogger finally has allowed me to upload video again - not sure why. This was from the Valentines Day Party at Bella's school.

Pottery Studio...

This was from several weekends ago. I took all the cousins (excluding Gia - that was more than I was capable of in this environment) to the pottery paint studio. It was such a kick to see what each of them chose and how they painted it!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We had a nice weekend celebrating Chris's Birthday! We started with breakfast at home - we made Ebelskiver Pancakes - super yum! Then to the park and out to lunch at one of our favorite restraunts...
We had some time at home in the afternoon just hanging out and then Chris got to try out his new BBQ that the girls and I got him for his birthday! It worked so much better than our old one! Considering it took me about 3 hours to put it together - it better have!

Then we had a fire in the fire pit that we gave Chris for his birthday last year and roasted marshmallows!

The girls finished the evening with some play time on the floor of their new playhouse - it was a great day! Happy Birthday Daddy!

Just Boo...

The days can get pretty long for Bella without Peyton around. She never says that she misses Peyton, however, I can always tell by the way she won't leave Peyton alone when she gets home that she has.
To try and break up the day we had a picnic lunch at the harbor last week.And then got the car washed - where Bella got to ride in the front!

Lucky Girls...

Chris got up early on Valentines Day and brought home red, white and pink chocolate bars as well as Valentines Barbies for the girls!
This was a very tall slide at a school park we went to last weekend. The girls loved it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Peyton's Perfect Grades...

Peyton was allowed to choose one special activity for a great report card. She chose to golf with Dad! Chris took her to the driving range to practice - She really did well with good form and enjoyed the whole thing!
She's recently decided she would like to be in the Summer Olympics for golf or tennis...

One last treat... Peyton tried a cream soda for the first time. She really tried to like it!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bella's V-Day Party...

Bella has been wanting to have a pajama day at school since Peyton had her first of the year way back in October! She finally got her wish on Thursday! She was so excited to wear her favorite PJ's! They start the day in the gym riding trikes and playing... This is her on a double trike with her friend Tori.

Then into class for some craft time. She made a great Valentine!
Pancakes! Yummy!

Circle time - Mommy stayed!

Singing "Skida-ma-rink-a-dink"
She had a great day!

Tennis Continues...

These are some current shots of Peyton playing tennis. I have some video too, but blogger is not cooperating with me... She is still enjoying it 6 weeks into lessons and has begged for us to sign her up for the next six weeks. So, I did. We hope she continues to enjoy and improve!

Friday, February 12, 2010

All Aboard...

Chris and I surprised the girls with a train ride a couple of weekends ago! We kept it a secret until we showed up at the train station. They were very surprised and super excited!
We had donuts on the 2.5 hour train ride. Wow, that's a long time!
This was at the boat show. There are little gold fish inside the boat. The girls had a good time scaring the fish from one side to the other with their shadows. Fortunately, we thought ahead and met Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob at the boat show and they brought us home!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Interpretation...

Chris and I have been through this a few times now... We're a little confused about the throw up part - but we're pretty sure that's what she said. We talk alot about not eating too many sweets because it will upset our tummies - so, maybe that's what she's talking about! We keep chuckling... Here it is....

Bake it…Stir it…Put it in the oven…and put it in the oven again…it not quite ready yet…(pause for a bite)…Make and Bake…?????See it be…Drink some wine…Put it in the oven again…Pull it back out and not touch it again…And no throw up and give it a taste…And you need to let it cool down and then eat it all up.. that’s it!