Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Build Up...

Bella's big day has arrived! She is now 4! We can hardly believe it! We started the day out right with doughnuts, muffins and scrambled eggs to order...

Bella was allowed to open one present that morning while still in her PJ's. Our good friend Laura was so sweet to send Bella a card and a Birthday baloon which we had blown up later in the day.

Bella was really thrilled! Such a sweet way to start the day!

A little prep time. I'm not one to try anything too fancy with the girls hair (according to them Uncle Wes does fancier stuff than their own Mom!)

Both girls got a little curl in their hair and then party dresses. Bella was sooooo excited to wear her Purple Butterfly dress made for her by Grandma! Then it was Party Time!!!

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