Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year! It's been a great year with many ups and a few downs. Chris and I were reflecting on what a great last decade this has been as a whole new decade begins. We were married, moved 6 times, had two beautiful girls, several job changes, lots of fun adventures and would do it all again! What great things we have in store for us in the next decade! By the time it's over Peyton will be 16 and Bella 14! Oh MY!

We had fun at a friends house tonight with the "Ball Drop" at 9. The girls had a blast!

We hope you all are looking forward to a great New Year!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Brunch...

The kids table. Don't we all remember the kids table...
The girls all waiting so patiently for gift opening!

With our fabulous new books from Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Jim! Thank you so much!

Thank you Santa!

Do you think Santa came? Of course, we've been good all year!!!

So cool!!!

He liked our cookies!

I love my stocking!
Thank you Santa!!!

"Santa come tonight?"

Bella has been asking this question nearly every night for a couple of weeks.
A little something for the reindeer - Rudolph specifically!

A couple of drawings and their homemade gingerbread men with a cup of milk of course! Santa quite enjoyed the snack!

Merry Christmas Eve...

We had a great Christmas Eve. After a beautiful candle light service at Steve & Shara's church we headed north.We had a happy baby to play with!
Very excited little girls. Unfortunately none of my pictures of Soph & Ce turned out.

The girls were in rare form and loved, loved all their gifts! It was such a beautiful day. Thanks to everyone for making it so special and full of great memories!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The build up...

We've been busy leading up to Christmas. We hopscotched with Daddy during our bike ride.
We went to LaConner to Christmas shop.

And we built an awesome Ginger Bread house.

In a leotard! It's been great getting ready for the Holidays this year with the girls! Hard to shop with them there, but so much fun that they can contribute!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas in Seattle...

I forgot my camera! Dang - It!
We had a great time today with the girls and Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob in Seattle. The girls had two carasoul rides and saw Santa (no sitting on any laps though!)
The pictures are a little blurry, but you can still see how thrilled Peyton is!

There were a bunch of these nutcrackers in the mall. This was the girls favorite! It's not very often we get to see a Sugar Plum Fairy Nutcracker!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Making Tracks...

And that was about it. We didn't have enough snow to make even a good snowball let alone a snowman. Just enough to delay school and give Peyton enough time to get out and play before school.
Throwing snow at the window where Bella was standing watching...

Bella wanted no part of going out in the snow - I can't say I blamed her much! There wasn't enough to really do anything. Though Peyton did make a couple of good snow angels on the sport court.


We were able to take the girls to the Nutcracker on Sunday at the MBT. Auntie Tracy arranged it all - I would never have gotten my act together if she didn't take the initiative and purchase the tickets. The girls were so excited to get all dressed up and see the ballet!

It was super cold! This was just outside the front doors waiting to get in.
Just getting settled in. I had a horrible time getting a good picture. Peyton looks scared because I had just taken a picture and had said, "Aw, shucks you're eyes were closed!" This was the result!
On one of the fancy benches in the lobby. It was absolutely packed!
Tracy and I didn't know they served beer and wine... we'll be prepared with cash next time!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Purple Butterfly Party...

This was 100% Bella's party! She picked the color, the butterflies, the paper for the invites, the cake - all of it!

All our yummy desserts! We had way too many left over though!
Everyone arrived - finally according to Bella - and it was time for cake! A little birthday song and then...

out with the candles! Happy Birthday Bella!

Thank you everyone for making Bella's Birthday so special!!!

The Build Up...

Bella's big day has arrived! She is now 4! We can hardly believe it! We started the day out right with doughnuts, muffins and scrambled eggs to order...

Bella was allowed to open one present that morning while still in her PJ's. Our good friend Laura was so sweet to send Bella a card and a Birthday baloon which we had blown up later in the day.

Bella was really thrilled! Such a sweet way to start the day!

A little prep time. I'm not one to try anything too fancy with the girls hair (according to them Uncle Wes does fancier stuff than their own Mom!)

Both girls got a little curl in their hair and then party dresses. Bella was sooooo excited to wear her Purple Butterfly dress made for her by Grandma! Then it was Party Time!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree...

I love to put the tree up! The girls were just as excited - and Chris is along for the ride!
Now that I'm feeling better - swelling is almost gone and I'm off the drugs - we brought the tree in today and got it decorated.

We decided right in the middle of the doors was the best spot this year. We don't use them much this time of year - so might as well put the tree there.

The girls each made an ornament this year...

maybe it will become a tradition - though neither of them are in our theme of snowmen...

Just had to have our pictures taken with our stockings - I think they're thinking big this year for Santa! Poor Santa!

All lit up! Love it at night!