Well it took almost 2 years, but it finally happened... Peyton lost her soccer ball over the bank into the water tonight! We've lost numerous items over the bank towards the road (balls, playhouses, stuffed animals, frisbees, etc.) but never towards the water. This is Chris in the kayak retrieving the pink soccer ball. It's in the back...

Peyton and Bella standing at the top of the very steep stairs waiting for Daddy. Peyton was great about the whole thing. Any boy would have followed that ball all the way to the water and then questioned (maybe) whether they should have. Peyton saw it go over, stoood in the middle of the flower bed for minute debating what to do next, then looked towards the house for help!

Little bit of the new deck! Chris and I (well mostly Chris) hauled decking down this weekend.

It was painful!!! And we're not done!