Sunday, September 27, 2009


We tried fishing today.

Bella just wanted to reel it in.
We finally gave up and raced home - everyone's happier at high speed!

Getting the trailer hooked up to take the boat out.

Chris allowed me to drive the truck & trailer from Bob & Sue's house to the boat launch. He had fear in his eyes when I pulled out! I didn't hit anything or run anything over!

When Mommy Doesn't Pay Attention...

I confess.... I occassionally bury my nose in the computer for 5-10 minutes. This is what happens...
Bella takes the camera... and takes a few photos.

Mickey Mouse...


55 photos later, Mommy stops her!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Only a Matter of Time...

Well it took almost 2 years, but it finally happened... Peyton lost her soccer ball over the bank into the water tonight! We've lost numerous items over the bank towards the road (balls, playhouses, stuffed animals, frisbees, etc.) but never towards the water. This is Chris in the kayak retrieving the pink soccer ball. It's in the back...
Peyton and Bella standing at the top of the very steep stairs waiting for Daddy. Peyton was great about the whole thing. Any boy would have followed that ball all the way to the water and then questioned (maybe) whether they should have. Peyton saw it go over, stoood in the middle of the flower bed for minute debating what to do next, then looked towards the house for help!

Little bit of the new deck! Chris and I (well mostly Chris) hauled decking down this weekend.

It was painful!!! And we're not done!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

1st Day of PreSchool...

Bella's first day of Preschool was on Tuesday. It was a big success! Here she is ready for school dressed in her signature purple!

Complete with big girl backpack!

Waiting on the playground before school. Peyton went and played but Bella declared there were too many kids.

They start school out in the gym. There are trikes to ride and climbing stuff. Bella had a great time after she got comfortable.

End of day circle time.

Here she is. Day one done! She can't wait to go back!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Beach Play Date...

We had to take advantage of one last great weekend! The weather cooperated and we had some friends join us at Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob's for some beach time and tubing.

It's hard to see but the ducks were back and the girls decided to try and trap one. They had one of them almost into the green bucket (one little webbed foot). Lure by food...

Tubing was a whole new experience with a friend to encourage! They were egging eachother on like crazy! Hillarious! It started with both hands in the air...

Then feet in the air...

Then Peyton with one leg out! Oh My! No one fell in thankfully! It was a great day and we're sad to see summer almost over!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Pre-Game huddle! Peyton's first game was today. She was very excited and had a great time. After a few dazed moments she seemed to catch on and did great. Side line coaching is important with this age...
Peyton's right in the middle in purple.

Thanks to Ali for the super cool purple socks and shin guards! We had to upsize the shoes after the first practice (we'll get those back to you)! Peyton was very cool in head to toe purple!

Ready to kick the ball in. You can tell she's not at all sure what she's suppose to do. She'll get it and then it's just a matter of whether she really likes it or not. When we left the soccer field at 11:30 it was 83 degrees! Peyton can't wait to play in the rain!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weekend Weather...

Chris and I were determined to get outside at least a little over the weekend. The weather was so wierd - very, very windy and unpredictable downpours! The girls had fun riding their bikes at this park. It's my new favorite because Peyton can take off and ride around the paths as much as she wants and I can still see her while I stay with Bella.

Just a disclaimer... the girls always (almost) wear their helmets. However, we got all the way there and had hyped up riding in the wind to discover we had no helmets - there was no turning back!

First Day Nerves...

"I'm excited but scared!"
Such a perfect 1st grade picture - big gap where we finally have lost our first top big tooth!

All dressed in the outfit daddy got me.

Meeting up with my cousins - feeling slightly better to see familiar faces.

Oh-Oh! Front door! Lots of kids - no one I recognize!

Just as they open the front doors to go into class - my best friend Mia swoops in from behind and holds my hand!All is good in the world!

Getting settled. Mia is to my right and another friend Rachel is to my left.

They were ready for us to go! Secure in their friendship for the day and knowing that both Mom's will be there at the end of school to pick them up!