No one ever believes he's 90! We had such a great afternoon with the family celebrating Great Grandpa's 90
th! The neighbors were nice enough to come over and take a picture of all of us.
Back row: Steve, Chris, Bob, Rick, Jason
Middle row: Shara, Amberleigh, Olivia, Sue, Debra
Front row: Ali, Grandpa, Peyton & Bella

Peyton showing Grandpa her painting of his garden. It included all the important items - carrots, broccoli, peas and an apple tree with nice clouds and rain to make the garden grow.

Bella giving Grandpa kisses for his birthday.

All the girls gathered around Grandpa for a quick picture.

This was before everyone got there and they were worried that they were going to get wet/dirty. I guess Shara and I had given them the same speach about staying clean until everyone got there. Not easy to do at the beach.
It was a great day and one that we will all remember for a long time!