Monday, August 31, 2009

Great Birthday for Great Grandpa!

No one ever believes he's 90! We had such a great afternoon with the family celebrating Great Grandpa's 90th! The neighbors were nice enough to come over and take a picture of all of us.
Back row: Steve, Chris, Bob, Rick, Jason
Middle row: Shara, Amberleigh, Olivia, Sue, Debra
Front row: Ali, Grandpa, Peyton & Bella
Peyton showing Grandpa her painting of his garden. It included all the important items - carrots, broccoli, peas and an apple tree with nice clouds and rain to make the garden grow.

Bella giving Grandpa kisses for his birthday.

All the girls gathered around Grandpa for a quick picture.

This was before everyone got there and they were worried that they were going to get wet/dirty. I guess Shara and I had given them the same speach about staying clean until everyone got there. Not easy to do at the beach.
It was a great day and one that we will all remember for a long time!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Old Photos...

I've been trying desperately to get organized and one of my many projects has been getting the digital photos off the computers and onto an external hard drive. Mission accomplished, but now I decided I needed to organize them by year. I think I'm missing half of 2 years - bummer! I don't know what could have happened, but this is the result of being disorganized! Anyways - I've been looking at some old photos and I found these of our trip to AZ in 2005. I remember this trip vividly because we had just found out we we're pregnant with Bella but hadn't told anyone yet - it was still our little secret! We had such a great time with Peyton - just the 3 of us.

This is one of my all time favorite pics! How can anyone resist that face!

I've downloaded all of my 2007 blog posts to a book and now I'm thinking I'll make books out of these older photos. I might post a few more cute ones as I go along!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunbonnet Sue...

It was hard to get a good photo of the quilt. But here it is! Peyton has enjoyed having something snuggly!

Morning ride...

Loaded the girls bikes up this morning and took them to the park. They had a great time - Peyton is up on the little hill and Bella is closest.
At the top of the little hill Peyton found the telescope and had fun looking at the "BIG" boats!

Bella just trying to keep up.

And a little bit of play time at the end!

Here Duck, Duck...

Peyton trying to spy the tame ducks with the binoculars at Grammy Sue and Daddy Bob's. Not sure what was going to happen if she actually spotted them! Daddy would have been enlisted to go and lure them our way maybe!
Bella couldn't be bothered. She was so tired from our week of activities and late nights that she put herself to bed on the towels and then covered up to protect herself from the wind.

Moved a little - toes sticking out.

Had to make sure she could breathe under there!

Must have gotten warm - legs out!
She slept for almost an hour!

One Good Picture...

Out of the pictures I took of the 5 girls I only got this one good one of Sophie. Time for a new camera!
Couldn't resist Gia smiling at me!

Bella helping herself to the baby toys.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grand Finale...

Peyton remembered staying up late (after dark) to do the Ferris Wheel last year. The girls absolutely insisted that we do it again this year! This will be a great new tradition for us!

Fair Part 2...

Rides are an integral part of the Fair experience! Cannot do without! Bella had not, until this point, been on a ride without Mom or Dad. She warmed up to it, after a bit!
She would have sat on Peyton's lap if allowed.
Feeling a little better...

Yippeeeeee! Look at me!

Sheep riding by 3-7 year olds! How many waivers must those parents need to sign! Some of these kids definately got stomped!

Fair Part 1...

We had a marathon (for us anyways) time at the Fair this year! The girls and I went out at about 1 yesterday and Chris joined us at dinner. We didn't leave until after we did the Ferris Wheel in the dark (family tradition) at 9:30! Holy Cow!It was hot! You can see the girls faces are red. Peyton was thrilled with how many animals she was able to pet. Our little vetrinarian! Bella was a little more timid, but she came around.

Big Ben - Stats below! Holy Cow!

Video of the Crazy 8's below! It is truly amazing! 8 ponies per team and 5 teams on the field! 40 poinies!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not so Wild...

The girls were feeding the ducklings (almost adults) this afternoon. It was amazing how close the little guys got! They would actually swim right up to the girls and take the bread right from their fingers! Fortunately, duck bites don't hurt.
They were even lucky enough to touch a couple. Though the ducks didn't seemed thrilled by this turn of events, they were tolerant as long as there was bread!

Takin' On Serena...

Peyton loves Tennis! Who knew! I didn't think she would enjoy it and I didn't think she'd be able to hit the ball. I was wrong!
She whacked her ball (the one flying through the air was for the kid next to her).

2 days down and 2 to go. She's loving it and wants to continue - so we'll see!

The Twins...

Lucky for them they haven't eaten any of the plants that I've planted.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Flip Floppin'

All the cousins (except Gia) with their sparkly, deco, flip flops!

Hard at work.
The flip flop cake was too cute! Peyton thought it was great!

Standard response for all gifts!
All the girls! We made them pose this time...

They were done posing and just taking in the wonder of a baby! They are all so sweet!

Thanks to everyone for a great birthday! Peyton loves having all her cousins in one spot and is enjoying her new gifts!

Say Goodnight...

The girls were sad to see the jumpy house go! It was lots of fun while it lasted though!