Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cousin Camp Out...

I think we might make this a tradition - at least until they get old enough that they don't want me in the tent with them anymore!
After a full afternoon of swimming, paddling, floating, climbing in and out of the tent 1,000 times, we were ready for some gelato.
Then off to check on our prize produce planted at Great Grandpa's house. The girls were all amazed at how big everything had gotten.
It didn't take long before bouquets of carrots and hydrangeas were made and singing was happening...

and a wedding march!

9:30 and I'm exhausted! The girls were still ready to go! Ali ditched us for a nice soft bed and a roof over her head - but we still love her! From left: Ali, Olivia, Peyton and Bella
10:00 everyone is out!

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