Friday, July 31, 2009

Good Friends...

For now the girls all seem to be good friends and content to be together. I'm dreading the day when the age gap starts to show. However, I think in the end they will always be the best of friends!
In the village - quick pose for pictures.

This is one of the Peak-2-Peak gondolas. I would love to do it, but not when it's so hot! Maybe at Thanksgiving we'll give it a go... There are tiny windows at the top on either side - not enough when it's 90 degrees!

Waiting patiently while we did a little shopping...

Strolling through the village... This is pretty natural - they didn't even know I was taking pictures.

We were "Cooking like hot dogs!" as Peyton would say. The water is only a few inches deep but comes directly from the glaciers and was very cold! Felt great on our feet!

Bella's Mind...

5 stuffed animals and 6 undies later...
She had them all attached with the undies. Nothing was getting out!

Chris and I took it out of her bed to get the pictures. This is what she does when she goes to bed... I'm not sure if it's a torture device for her animals or a way to hug them all at the same time...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Zoo - mazing!

I don't have any clever stories to add like Auntie Shara! We had a great time and can't wait to visit the aquarium and another zoo! Auntie Amberleigh has plans!!!

There they are...

Bella and I catch up and Peyton and Daddy are already at the beach searching for crabs.

Bella is not interested in touching the crabs. She just pointed to the rocks she wanted me to turn over for her! Very exciting when there were crabs - but no way she was touching them!

Seriously Mom...

"Bop talking!" I'm busy, stop telling me not to run into the other people - this is my boardwalk!
"Gotta catch up!" Sissy and Daddy are way ahead. I've gotta get 'em!

"Hey! There they are!" Finally, success!!!!

Cousin Camp Out...

I think we might make this a tradition - at least until they get old enough that they don't want me in the tent with them anymore!
After a full afternoon of swimming, paddling, floating, climbing in and out of the tent 1,000 times, we were ready for some gelato.
Then off to check on our prize produce planted at Great Grandpa's house. The girls were all amazed at how big everything had gotten.
It didn't take long before bouquets of carrots and hydrangeas were made and singing was happening...

and a wedding march!

9:30 and I'm exhausted! The girls were still ready to go! Ali ditched us for a nice soft bed and a roof over her head - but we still love her! From left: Ali, Olivia, Peyton and Bella
10:00 everyone is out!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Swim Lessons...

Bella's class.
Peyton's class.

Today was the last day of swim lessons. The girls both made great progress! Peyton can now swim by herself and is working on her diving. Bella is much more comfortable in the water and is working on using her arms. The video is Bella waiting for her turn on the diving board. She was (and always was) so excited she couldn't stand still. This was the first time the lifeguard had to give her a push to get in. She usually jumps right off! Peyton is doing her "free jump" off the front diving board at the same time!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ski Lesson Part 1...

We tried ski lessons with the girls for the first time! Peyton first...Here goes Bella!

Here's Bella with a fabulous crash at the end!

and Peyton!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Slip & Slide...

Bella really, really wanted to - she finally tried, but didn't get the full effect since Chris had to hold her hands as she went down.
This went drastically better than the last time we tried water on this slide! When Peyton was about 3 we used the hose to make it wet - she slid down the slide so fast she got grass burns on her bum!

Olivia!!! Such great form!

Devo Daycare...

The girls were granted the privilage of taking care of Devo for an entire day. They had such a great time and can't wait to do it again.
We walked Devo (3 times)...

Bella warmed up to holding the leash after 2 hours...

After about 3 hours she decided Devo was indeed not going to bite, tackle or otherwise harm her...

We also took care of two other dogs on the same day - unfortunately I didn't get any pictures at their house! It was a riot when it was time to feed and walk all three! Poor Peyton when it was time for Devo to go home at bedtime... she held it together until Daddy left then had tears!

Monday, July 6, 2009


We had almost the entire clan to our house for a little family reunion. The only picture I manage to take was of the kids. Henry was a great sport and sat with all the girls! They entertained him so that Mom & Dad could eat. Thanks to everyone for the great food! It was fun to get together and see everyone.

Happy 4th!

Peyton and Bella were ready early. Excited with the anticipation of a "really, really awesome" day!

When we finally arrived at Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob's the excitement went into overdrive. Bella can not contain herself!

Boat is ready for the parade! Such a fun tradition!

Aunt Jeannie joined us this year! The girls had such a blast with her during her trip and can't wait for her to come back!

Some of the other boats...

These guys have made their own double decker barge!

And this guy made a real peddle boat!

Bella couldn't take her own excitement any more...

Time for fireworks. It was no where near dark, but the girls still enjoyed it. We went home around 9 but stayed up until 11. It was so noisy at our house there was no way anyone was sleeping. The girls really enjoyed the big fireworks in the dark!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I remember going to the firework stands on the reservation as a kid. It's such an experience! The girls got a good flavor for it this year!
Happy 4th of July!!!

Big Bike...

"Me baby legs can't keep up!" Well they can now and we're thrilled!
Over the shoulder while steering one handed - not the greatest move since I'm not that stable myself!