Our spring break outing started at opening time at the zoo. The girls were very excited to be there! I was very excited about the thick plexiglass seperating us from the fighting bears!

Peyton thought it was cool - Bella, not so impressed.

Lunch Break!

Had to get a better view. You can see Bella is wearing thin... Bella, "Bop, me baby legs!!!" Translation, "Stop, I have little legs and can't keep up!"

This poor hippo - he had no idea he would be trampeled on by hundreds of children every day!

Bella gave in - she fell asleep with Chris carrying her. He easily carried her 2 miles by the time we wound our way through the zoo and back to the car.

Back at the hotel. Feeling much better with our stuffed animals and blankies.

After dinner. "Dadda, could we please take it home!"
Glad you're back! Looks like you really had fun! You picked the perfect weather! Love, Grandma and Poppa
Did you bring home the boat? I'll help you be a caretaker!
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