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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Last one of the year...
Peyton had her last field trip of the year. Her class has been learning about sea life, etc. for a few weeks now. So, the last field trip was to a private beach down Chuckanut. We had a great time despite the less than stellar weather. The kids had so much fun on the swing! And looking for crabs and starfish! The last day of school is tomorrow - I'm a little sad and Peyton is quite upset about the prospect of Kindergarten. We'll see how the summer goes....
Didn't this year just fly by? I'm a little concerned about how fast things are going with these girls!
That short little pre-schooler is a crack up!! Those big kids have nothing on her! The best of times for all of you! Love, Grandma
Great pictures...glad you got your camera fixed! Tell Peyton that kindergarten rocks!
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