Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Graduation Day...

Peyton has officially "graduated" from Pre-K to Kindergarten which she very vehemently does not want to go to! Teacher Kathy had cute stories about each child and they got to bring home their "All About Me" books that they've worked on all year. So, next time you're over make sure to ask her about it!

Favorite story about Peyton: Peyton likes to play with everyone and everyone likes to play with Peyton. The boys (there are 7 in a 9 child class) like to call her Princess Peyton. One day they were on the playground and they were role playing and the boys wanted to rescue Princess Peyton. Peyton's response was "I don't need to be rescued I can do it myself".

Bella goes in tomorrow morning at 7:3o for her ear tubes. We pray everything goes as smoothly as they say it will... We'll keep you all updated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bella wil be covered with a blanket of prayer. Love, Grandma and Poppa