Monday, June 11, 2007

Peyton's Recital

Peyton had her first big dance recital on Saturday night. Saturday morning was the "dress" rehersal - clearly I missed the dress part! Oh well - at least I wasn't the only mom that didn't get that part of the instructions. Peyton is the one in the dress on the left. I got a little bit of video during rehearsal, which is lucky since they didn't allow any video of flash photos during the actual performance. I guess I'll have to buy the video! I did get one good photo of Peyton all dressed up backstage. She loved the performance and most of all loved watching all the other "big" girls do their routines. She and I stayed until almost 10 pm watching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So calm, cool, and collected. Was she really? What a sweetheart! Love, Grandma