Thursday, June 28, 2007

For the Grandma's

Peyton wanted to wear a dress this afternoon - so I had her pick one out. Of course it took Bella all of about 2 seconds to decide she needed a dress on too - which she then picked out. I couldn't resist taking a posed picture by the pretty flowers!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Growing Up, But...

Quite the fashion statement!

The girls are growing up so fast, but they still love to have their snuggles! Peyton slept really late after a very early wake up and snuggle with mom. This picture was at about 8:30 this morning, after which I went and woke her up!

Bella is currently very attached to this blanket. Thank you Grammy Sue for letting us take it home last night! Bella would not be seperated from it all day today!

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Where did all the blonde hair come from?


The girls love to play in the van. They take turns "driving" then they start getting into trouble and we have to get out. But it's fun while it lasts!

So Pretty

Peyton got her hair cut at the salon on Friday. It's only the second time she's been, so it's a big treat. Complete with flip, fairy dust sparkles and purple bow! She really loves it!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Who knew that pea gravel could be this much fun! The girls had to conquer the pile last night.

We're making good progress on the outside of the house anyways. Looks like the inside should get started the first week of July!

Who Needs a Vegetable Garden

The raised bed that previously held deer dinner roses was going to become our little vegetable garden. Well the girls quickly decided that the dirt was way more fun than carrots & corn. They have such a great time I may need to have a little dirt/sand patch at the new house too.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

All the Monkeys

Bella was determined to get into this baby doll carrier. She finally made it!

We had Wes, Tracy, Grandma, Poppa and of course Sophia and Ceci over tonight for dinner. The girls were great. They sure can be sassy when they want to be though - mostly my kids! It's so great to see Soph and Peyton play together and get along so great. I'm so glad they're so close in age. Hopefully, as Ceci and Bella get older they'll play together too.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Birthday Fun

Peyton and Bella had a great time at our friend Parker's birthday party this evening. They set up a bike riding course out in front of their house - among other things.

All the big kids sat right down for gift opening - then comes Bella. She stepped over/on one little boy and pushed herself right up front next to big sis!

The Dancing Never Stops

Peyton was putting on a show with some of her tap and ballet moves. They love the stage by the fountain at Starbucks! I happened to catch Bella in what looks like a kissy face.

Dress Up Days

Bella came out of Peyton's room carrying the tutu. She knew exactly how it was suppose to go on and what to do once it was on! I tried to get some pictures while they were dancing and then finally got them to sit for quick break. Peyton has a skirt on for her top and a blanket wrapped around for the skirt. And "of course" the sparkly shoes!


Peyton played hooky from school on Tuesday morning! We went to the park and met some friends instead. They had a great time. Bella has finally mastered climbing up and going down the slide by herself - hurray!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Birthday Breakfast

I had a great birthday breakfast with Chris and the girls. We went to Grammy's which is out Northshore Drive at Agate Bay. We were the only customers for most of our breakfast, so it was o.k. that the kids were a little noisy and got all the horrible noisy toys out of the toy box at the restaurant. They had a great time - not so sure about Chris though.

Rainy Day

These are from last week. Peyton still loves to work on the computer. And yes, Bella likes to climb into any chair - or doll stroller - and look at books.

Peyton's Recital

Peyton had her first big dance recital on Saturday night. Saturday morning was the "dress" rehersal - clearly I missed the dress part! Oh well - at least I wasn't the only mom that didn't get that part of the instructions. Peyton is the one in the dress on the left. I got a little bit of video during rehearsal, which is lucky since they didn't allow any video of flash photos during the actual performance. I guess I'll have to buy the video! I did get one good photo of Peyton all dressed up backstage. She loved the performance and most of all loved watching all the other "big" girls do their routines. She and I stayed until almost 10 pm watching.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Future Farmers of America

Went out to the house tonight to check up on things. Chris wanted to see what his General Contractor (me) had gotten accomplished. Peyton was showing Daddy where her and Bella's room was. Then she decided to build a "fire" and roast some marshmallows for us.

The equipment was still at the house - this tractor and an excavator. Of course the girls had to sit on the tractor. Peyton decided last minute that it was too high, but Bella had no fear - as you can tell. One more stump to go and a little grading. It looks a lot different now - very excited to see some more progress.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Balloons, Cupcakes & Stories

Bella climbed right into bed with Peyton tonight! Maybe the bunkbed idea is so nuts after all!

I took the girls to Red Robin for dinner tonight - Peyton has been wanting to go for quite a while. They both did great and got to bring home a balloon!