So...the girls wanted to do a road trip before summer was over. Much debate....yada, yada, yada. We choose Bend, OR. With a stop in Portland - one of Chris & I's faves.
This is what I learned to do while trippin...
These things do not steer worth a damn, but it was super fun!
This was our very favorite part! Floating the Deschutes. Took about 2 hours. We spent most of it scoping out houses to rent next summer.
We had a little excitement. There was a pretty aggressive fire about a mile from our place. Houses evacuated, but the awesome fire crew got it all buttoned up before we had to go anywhere.
These are the "rapids" on the river. We went back the next day to get pictures. Peyton swears she'll never do that again - I say, sure, whatever - I'm steering ;-)