Monday, February 22, 2016

Happy Happy!!!

Another year down! With success!  The girls can take 100% credit for this fabulous cake this year.  While I was making porcupine meatballs they cooked, stacked, frosted and candled the cake. Pretty impressive results!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


She's a very funny kid.  I claim her as mine.  Sarcasm and all - she gets it from me after all!

"What...Timbuktu was full? So you had to park further away?"  Said as she jumps in the truck in a pouring rain storm!

Yep...she's mine!  And for the record. I was parked within 2 spots of normal.

It's Official...

I've been fighting it.  Completely ignoring it. Quite frankly I've been in denial.  Peyton has been claiming to be "as tall" as me for a while now.  I keep telling her she's delusional!  Today....sigh....she was officially measured at school.  I'm 5'4" Have been forever.  Peyton is 5'5"  Dangit!