Sunday, December 27, 2015

Tree Hunting...

Schedules did not allow for the real hunt this year, but we still found an awesome tree!

Annual Christmas Fire Truck!

One of the many things we love about our community!  The annual Christmas Fire Truck!  We didn't think it would make it down our street this year.  But about 8:30 we heard it.  They were so sweet.  They drove all the way down and then couldn't turn around, so had to back all the way out.

Sculpt It!

 Back of the teapot
 Mask. Was a cat, but one of the ears shattered when they fired it.

Peyton has been taking a sculpture class at school.  Just before break they invited all the parents to come in and view their creations.  It was fabulous!  She's been working hard.

Bella's Big Birthday!

I took Bella and her 4 buddies to paint pottery and then pizza.  She had a great time.  I've decided this get's me off the birthday party wagon for at least 2 years!

Pre-Christmas Funk!

Had such fun decorating cookies and such at our friends before Christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2015


These photos do not do these beautiful works of art justice! But I had to get them up.  Thank you Uncle Don for the thoughtful, generous gift.  The girls love them and have already put them in cherished locations in their rooms.

Happy 10 Bella Boo!!!