Monday, September 15, 2014

Fishy, fishy...bite my hook!

Fishing Meca of Seiku! Who knew people spent the whole summer there just to fish while camping!  We went for 1 night and had a great time.

Bella with her fish!  Tom was our boat captain and helped her hold it so I could take a picture.

Chris went on the early morning rotation and caught his limit of 2!  Very exciting!
Peyton was a very good sport and found out the real difference between fishing and catching.  She fished, but did not catch. Tho she had "fish wings" for the first time and loved them!!!
Max even behaved himself!
Fishy lips...the best kind!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Swarm of Jellyfish?

Well...we couldn't decide what to call the millions we saw...swarm seemed adequate!

6th Grade!

3rd Grade....Ready!