Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Pumpkins!

Happy Halloween!

First Halloween in new town is a huge success!

Our favorite candy store had 4 candy fairies handing out yummy candy....

Island Style...they close down the main street!

And the girls both got to wear costumes to school...

Even the police were having fun!

And the haul... just the right amount!

Monday, October 28, 2013

ohhhhh Summer!!!!

Corn Maze...

 This was a blast!  Corn maze with the rows making the shape of a cow/bull head.  There were 6 check points along the way and the girls found every one!

Random Catch UP...

Mamma! Where'd my School Go?

On a regular morning...this is what school looks like as we drive up....

For the last couple weeks it's looked like this most of the day!  We're glad to see the sun!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

She's a Biggun!

Biggest pumpkin in Washington!

And so it goes...

Bella has a lot to say...with her hands...and Peyton just listens....
 Peyton got a driving lesson...
And we saw furry sea lions!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Different Perspective...

 The girls and I got treated to a dingy ride.  A personal favorite!
 And saw our harbor from a different point of view.
And got the extra special treat of seeing our tax dollars being used for ferry worker training.  Good to know they actually know how all that safety equipment works!

Friday Night Lights...

 Well... we were at the high school.  Just not watching football.
 Another parent told me about the open gym at the high school gymnastics room.

 The girls got to monkey around on all the equipment they wanted!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rescue Swimmers!

Not an every day occurrence! Bella and I got to see the swimmer jump into the water from the helicopter and "rescue" someone in the water. We're hoping it was just practice.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

 Bella's class was able to take a field trip to an island farm.
 We learned about sustainable farming...

And we did it island style... no buses necessary.  We walked!