Friday, November 30, 2012

We Went to the Outback...

 We spent Thanksgiving weekend with some friends at a lodge on the other side of the state.  We were out in the wood all by ourselves.  So we played Foosball...
 Saw 3 separate monster Elk...
 Played Twister....I'm not putting up the more embarrassing photos of the adults!
 Shot Nerfs at Peyton...
 Went to the park...
 Drank lots of coffee & hot cocoa....
 Saw wild turkeys...
 Checked out a house that is now occupied by chickens...Because evidently that's the thing to do...
And made a really fabulous Ginger Bread House!
Now we're looking forward to getting our Christmas Tree & having a fabulous Holiday Season!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Girls Night Out

I took Peyton and her best friend Kyla out Friday night. We had dinner and a movie then a sleep over. Was fun for all of us!

Trick or Treat

Or go to the store and buy some candy when the downpour chases us from the street! We made it to about 10 houses before the girls had enough and we called it a night.