Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


 Boat Show! 
 The girls had a chance to make their own wooden boats.  It was such a fun project put on by the Wooden Boat Museum.
 With their finished products...though a little hard to see.
Another boat - Ferry Ride!

First Day of School...

More Fun Stuff...

 Some more fun stuff from Peyton's field trip to the Science Center...

King Tut...

 Peyton requested a field trip to the King Tut Exhibit this summer.  So we squeezed it in before school started.  She loved it.  The top photo is a tomb for a cat.  Very interesting....
 Posing with artifacts is not allowed, but I snuck this one photo of Peyton...