Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Party...

We got to enjoy our costumes a little extra this year. The girls had a great Halloween Party last weekend! It was fantastic!
Our crazy cast of characters.

Very serious business. You'll note the number of kids actually carving - only 1.

This was so much fun! The kids had to sit on a balloon and pop it to get a prize.

Mummy Race - We're a pretty competitive bunch! Each parent had to wrap an entire roll of toilet paper around a kid, the kid then had to traverse the living room with a ball on a spoon and then tag the next group to start! Too funny!

The aftermath....

We ate lots of snacks, frosted cookies

and ate the fanciest cake pops ever!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pick a Pumpkin, Squash a Pumpkin...

Apple sling shot - really there's not much that's better unless you count the apple/pumpkin cannon.

Chris and I have decided that since this is the second year we've done this, it should be a tradition. Octoberfest over the mountains is the best! And it has nothing (wink, wink) to do with the beer!
We seem to have a thing for chickens...

We may not have gone to a field, but it was still tough to decide which one was the perfect one.

"If you can lift it, you can get it" still applied.

Even for Bella this year!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Jog a Thon

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