Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer is Finally Here...

The girls and I have been playing around with the new camera apps on my phone. Bella is usually into anything phone related, so she took about 30 photos of me - I thought this was the best one and I would put it on, since no one ever sees me.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bella's First Play Date...

Bella got to have her very own play date. This was the first time she's had a friend over that wasn't somehow tied into one of Peyton's friends. She had a blast.
"Momma, you know those boys are kinda crazy!"
"Yep, you just keep thinking that."

Peyton was a very good sport.... It was good for her to see the other side of play dates.

Friday, July 22, 2011

You Know You're a Redneck When....

your kids have to wear ear protection and old clothes for Friday night entertainment.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Farm...

It was a cloudy day - again. But we made it out and about. No rain - so there was no option but to head out. We made a stop at the Farm. We were a little dissappointed. Not very many animals and the flowers are quite a bit later this year. So, we went next door to the swamp. Officially named a Lake, but I have my doubts. The girls think it's great to go on the boardwalks. We lost count of how many dragonflies we saw..

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sister Play Date...

We are lucky enough to have friends that are sisters the same age/grade as our girls. Fortunately the kiddos all get along and it makes a play date so much easier.
It was a little chilly this time. Bella never did get all the way in.

But they were all freezing afterwards.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Day of Martha...

I had quite a day today. Tuscan Lemon muffins for breakfast and 5 batches of smoothies made and waiting in the freezer. That's probably my quota of domestic bliss for the year...
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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Getting Started

The neighbors are celebrating the 4th today. The girls were thrilled to pull up a seat and watch.
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