Thursday, June 30, 2011


We had visitors the other night.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beach Time...

Maybe someday they'll travel across the country to visit us and eachother. Like Greg & Steve - thanks for coming to visit.
Some special time with Aunt Jeannie - the time flew by. The girls are strategizing a trip to CA.

One of the great things about Chris. He won't short cut an answer. Bella asked him what all the buildings and lights were down the beach. He spent the next 5 minutes explaining what they do at the refinerys.

She probably actually understood more of it than I did....

And then the sun went down....

It was a great visit with Aunt Jeannie, Uncle Jim, Greg & Steve. Can't wait for next year!

A Sign of the Times...

I let the girls walk form our house to Auntie Heather's house by them selves. They held hands and didn't look back once!

She met them on the other side and all was well...

Bella's Improv...

What will she think of next? She decided she was too little to paddle with her arms so she used a plastic shovel as a paddle.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Making the Most of it

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Aunt Jeannie & Uncle Jim

Aunt Jeannie & Uncle Jim arrived - finally. The girls have been counting down the days for months.
We descended upon them and ate all their food! It was fabulous!

You just can't beat dinner on the beach...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Doing the Robot

Bella had her big night. So much fun! She was amped up for days! She did great and it was an adorable performance...
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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Body Surfing...

Several days into our trip we decided to take the kids to Makenna Beach for body surfing and some sand castles. The sand was fabulous and the waves were great.
The girls had much more fun on the sand than in the water. They all gave it a go until the lifeguard made a very pointed public announcement about small children and swimming abilities... We figured it couldn't possibly have been directed at us, but the girls were done anyways.

"Really? What is wrong with our parents?!?"

"I don't have any idea! You'd think they would act more their age!"

Nope, we don't know any better and we aren't going to act our age! We had too much fun!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mud Pie

My initial reaction was not so positive. But then I remembered all the mud pies I made as a kid. What could be better.
Hawaii pictures are on the way....
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