Monday, May 23, 2011

Our First Ride of the Season...

I don't know if this is the latest season opener for us or not, but it sure seems like it! It was a beautiful night and the girls thought it was fab!

My New Running Buddy...

Thankfully he's not mine all the time. But I've worked out the best possible deal. I pick him up down the street from Uncle D's & Auntie Heather any time I want him. Go for a run and then drop him off when I'm done. No strings attached dog ownership! Isn't he the cutest?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Little Light House...

Wouldn't they have been surprised if that little door had actually opened...
I don't even know what to say about the poses - sigh....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bella's End of Preschool Picnic...

Bella has had the greatest Preschool experience. She has loved her time with her teacher - who is fabulous - but is also ready in every way for Kindergarten. How lucky we have been!

This was her end of year picnic/field trip to Larrabee. The weather cooperated and we had such a beautiful afternoon.

Bella and her friend Hazel were the only girls to begin with that made it, so they were two peas in a pod for quite a while. The took turns following each other like a couple of mountain goats over the rocks.

Then there were three - another good friend - also named Bella joined in the fun.

A little silliness....

And a big finish!

Monday, May 16, 2011

One Nice Day

We had one nice day last week. It was beautiful but much too short.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Take That Starbucks!

We have fallen in love with Cake Pops! We first had then at Starbucks, but are now making our own. They're such fun!
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Peyton's Big Ride

This was a big one! Daddy got elected to chaperone.... just ignore the woman's voice. Lady standing next to me thought she was allowed to comment.
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Morning Project

When she's up at 6:15 there's plenty of time for tower building!
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Disneyland - Part 2

This is the last of the photos for the blog. I've promised the girls that I'll put a book together with all the photos in it!
We had such a great time! We girls are ready to go back - Daddy may need a year off! This was at dinner our first night at Bubba Gumps - the bottom of the girls glasses lit up!

She was absolutely giggling! Too hillarious!

Unfortunately, I had to go on the tea cups with the girls. Something about a responsible adult (I thought Peyton would have done a fine job of being the responsible adult of the two of them!)

The famous It's a Small World! The girls really enjoyed it! And they both got to sit with Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob!