Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Veterans Day

So, I'm a little late with this. Peyton did such a great job on her Veterans Day project! She interviewed Great Grandpa, Daddy Bob and Poppa with all the same questions. Then she put dots on a map where they were stationed. Daddy and I helped her put it all together and make a copy for school. Then she took it in with some badges, dog tags, and Poppa's beret to share with her class.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Snowman 2.0

With a little help from Daddy!
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First Snowman

Peyton's first snowman! She made it all by herself - and then accidentally beheaded it!
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Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We were super excited to wake up to fresh snow today! The girls finally had enough to sled on the neighbors driveway.

More Later!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Little Bit Excited!

The girls were jazzed this morning about the snow! Bella was up first and looked outside. "What is it? Is it snow?" Now they're outside with Dad and I'm inside. Payback for the multiple sledding trips every day for a week, two years ago when we had sooooo much snow and the girls and I were stuck at home.
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First Snow!!!

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Ears Have It...

Bella has been wanting her ears pierced for about a year now. We finally struck a bargain and off we went. She's feeling pretty fearless here...
"What's the bear for?"


"What's all that?"

Moment of impact! I didn't take pictures of the tears that followed. Poor honey! Next time I tell her something is going to hurt I think she'll believe me! She quickly recovered and she's thrilled!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bella and Me Time

Bella and I have a lot of time some days.
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat

After a health lunch and trick or treating at Great Grandpa's we headed out to Grandma & Poppa's. Poppa was in charge of these truly gigantic cupcakes! Grandma obviously had nothing to do with these!
Then we lassoed our horse and gathered our injured dog and headed back to town.
Trick or Treat and a pose at Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob's.
This is the only picture of the actual Trick or Treating that turned out. The girls were most upset with me after this picture.... "Mom, you blinded us! We could have fallen on the steps!" So that was it for the picture taking with a flash - bummer!