Monday, October 25, 2010

Carve 'em Up...

Lined up and ready to go! The girls had been thinking all day about what their pumpkin faces would look like...
First we must clean..... Ewwwww!

Ewwwwww - but can we keep the seeds!

The finished product!

This was Bella's drawing of what her pumpkin should look like...
And this is what we carved! Pretty close!

This was Peyton's drawing for her pumpkin...

And here is her finished pumpkin!
We had a great time and the seeds were delish!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Peyton Rocks!

Bella was explaining a secret pass code to me this afternoon. It was the secret pass code to get into the playhouse. "Secret Peyton Rocks!"
I asked her why that was the pass code? Her answer, "Because Peyton's my sister and she rocks!"
How sweet is that! I knew it was in there somewhere, it just doesn't show itself on a daily basis!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Pumpkins...

Bella had her Pumpkin Patch Field Trip last week! The kids learned about bees and how they pollinate the apple orchard and pumpkin blossoms.
She was glued at the hip to her best friend Bella.

Comparing our apples!

Pie for lunch!

The Great Pumpkin...

We took advantage of the nice weather a couple weekends ago and got our pumpkins!
Our favorite little place we've taken the girls to for the last 3 years.

Even Bella got into the "If you can lift it, you can get it!" She barely got this one off the ground!

Peyton made it by about an inch. We may have to add an addendum to the rule. You must be able to lift the pumpkin and carry it to the wheel barrow!

Friday, October 8, 2010

All for a Good Beer...

The girls were respectfully fascinated by the buildings, but this was way more exciting!
And then these guys with the horns! Peyton thought they were fabulous!

We of course couldn't pass on the jumpy houses...
Chris wanted to use this...

But settled for this! He shot apples on the giant sling shot towards some wood cut outs. The girls were hillarious - cheering him on!
Peyton got a little close to this guy. I think he was going to give her a kiss!

Serious strategy session playing chess at the restaurant. And yes we had huge beers for lunch!
It was fun to show the girls someplace new. They had never been to the Eastern side of the state and we enjoyed the desert like climate! Leavenworth was a huge hit and we can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pit Stop...

On our way to Leavenworth for some good ole Oktoberfest Festivities (and beer)! We saw these guys kayaking down the river just outside of town. We were almost there, but this was a great stop!

Friday, October 1, 2010


We have finally finished a project (almost)! The playhouse now has power and is cleaned out! The girls took their first toys out tonight to play. Mamma is very happy!!!