Monday, September 27, 2010

A Little Bit of Comedy...

I was looking through photos for another purpose and found this video from June 2006. I found it tremendously funny - both then and now! It's always good when I snort! I was clearly fixated on getting Bella to feed herself - I love that she threw the food over her shoulder!

What Does a Monkey Say?

Bella has mastered the small monkey bars! She was very proud of herself!!! Can't wait to see if she can do it at school! The sound didn't work on my phone - she says at the end, "I can do it!"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pre-K Here We Come...

All styling and coreography courtesy of Bella! Bella picked her outfit, did her hair, chose her shoes, and decided where pictures should be taken!
And these were the less sassy of the photo shoot. I kept telling her to stop posing, but she couldn't seem to help herself! Oh well....

This was better!

Finally at school! Mom, stop taking my picture!
First day went great - but then I was a volunteer in class. Today was the real test and she was just fine! I think it was our shortest drop off ever!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

This is it...

Summer is officially over! I'm not sure what the motivation for this pose was, but Shara and I both thought it was hillarious! Thanks Aunt Jeannie for the yummy ice cream cones!
You know it's over when sweatshirts are required to eat ice cream in the yard!

Bella's Day without Peyton

Bella has definately been missing Peyton! We've been keeping busy, but we're both very glad that she's starting school this week!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Big 2nd Grader...

Starting the morning off with a smoothie (just like Grandma - though mine aren't quite as good).

Peyton was nervous but a little bit excited to get started at school today. She had fun picking out her own outfit and fortunately it was rainy so she got to wear it. We got to school early enough to find a friend to walk in with and she was set!

This was her desk for today. Good friends on both sides, so unlikely to last past the first couple of days - but nice for day 1!!! When she came out of class this afternoon she was super excited and when I asked how her day was she said, "It was GREAT Mamma!" Now I'm happy!