Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Camping Part 3...

It didn't take Bella long to decide it was swimming weather. We had some sunshine and not too much wind, so it felt quite warm...
Naked is the best way while camping - this is according to Bella.

This is the log jam of drift wood we had to climb over to get to our little island. Is was like a whole different climate - I almost wanted to swim!

Camping Part 2...

Dogs - what dogs? Bella became very accustomed to the constant companionship of the pack of dogs! Hopefully this was good therapy for her and she's over her fear.

Bella and I spent some quality time just hanging out while Peyton and Daddy were fishing with the big boys! Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the fishing expedition - but she caught quite a few fish!

Bella Discovers Moss...

Bella discovered how soft and carpet like that moss can be!
Peyton went on a 4 mile hike straight up this mountain with all the other adults. Bella stayed with Mom and Dad and we explored the lower trail.

Peyton made it all the way up the trail with her dog friends and was very flushed when she returned.

Camping - Part 1

Staying on an island in the middle of a lake with no running water, no electricity, gasp - no cell phone service!!! Oh My!!! Bella warmed up to the whole experience and took right to exploring the island. We had 8 adults, 3 kids and 5 dogs!
Daddy found a spot to nap away from the craziness of our campsite...

We brushed our teeth on the dock - the girls loved this!

It took Bella most of the first day to decide that the dogs weren't going to take her to the ground and maul her. Once she decided she was going to be o.k. the dogs ended up being her favorite part of camping!

Can't Be Camping without Rain....

Always good to have an engineer to climb a tree and put up a tarp!
Group effort - at least by the guys. We all stood around and waited for the injury.

Mom, are you seeing all this!

We were very greatful for the gigantic tarp when it rained during dinner!

The Prep...

Is it really camping when you bring this much stuff!
Peyton had to sit in the front seat! Fortunately we just had to get the stuff from our house to a friends house to be transported via boat. Otherwise we were going to have to strap Chris to the roof!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

County Fair...

I took the girls to the Fair last week. We had a beautiful day and Chris joined us after work. In the 6 hours (yep - that's right I'm certifiably insane) before Chris got there, we hit as many rides as we could and ate our way through the rest of the fair! Peyton was so excited to get to sit in the very front seat on this ride!
Bella has really come a long ways this last year. She showed her wrist band to all the scary carni guys and even got on the rides by herself. She climbed right on this horse all by herself!

End of the night tradition! The girls have looked forward to this. We started 3 years ago staying until it gets dark and then going on the Ferris Wheel. They love it!!!

At the tippy top! We hauled Daddy along, though he claimed he didn't want to do it. I figured he'd only been there for maybe 3 hours, so he could buck up and go on one ride!

I'm exhausted! So glad we did it though!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Last of Peyton's Birthday!

It seemed to last for a month, but we have finally concluded Peyton's Birthday-Palooza! Peyton begged for months to have her girlfriends over for tubing - I wasn't so sure this was a fabulous idea! I didn't want the responsibility of scarring one of these poor girls for life and having then hate the water. However, we finally relented and all is well that ends well! We started off with a bang and went right for the tubing! The girls all did great and kept asking to go faster!

Everything can be done in a swimsuit on a hot day! Who needs clothes! Snacks and ice cream cake were consumed....
Very thoughtful gifts were opened and adored - all in swimsuits! Because really - who needs clothes!

And then back to the action! The girls couldn't wait for another round!

The boat noise is pretty loud, but you can still hear them squealing! Chris' comment when we took off from the dock the first time, "Now that's a boat full of girls!"

Monday, August 9, 2010

Birthday Bash...

Bella colored this picture for Peyton for her birthday. She even wrapped it in a bag to give. Peyton was very sweet and we're going to get a frame to hang it in her room.
The girls made the cupcakes with Grandma's help. Peyton had started out with Neopolitan Ice Cream as her theme (but we forgot to serve it!) so everything was pink, brown and white.

Cupcake trio for all the candles!

Cheesy Smile lives on!

Down one this year. Hope you feel better Livvy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Peyton!!!!!!!

Baby Peyton, just home...

First Birthday! Already walking and doing the stairs! What a difference a year makes!

The Cheesy Smile makes its debut! Second Birthday!

3 years old! Just starting ballet and feeling very big...

Fourth Birthday! I think my favorite cake!

Five Years Old! Loves animals!

The beginning of a tradition. Chris couldn't be home on this morning to wish Peyton Happy Birthday, so he left early and brought back a donut for Peyton for when she woke up.

Six! Complete with donut breakfast!

This year the donut seemed a little bigger!

But, "I can do it!" and she did! Every speck!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Farewell Clarabelle...

Poor Peyton! This has been so hard on her! A wonderful experience and she has already rebounded, but still very difficult to give up something you love! Pappa found a wonderful farm just 2 minutes from our house that had chickens, horses, guinea pigs and rabbits! They were happy to have a free addition!
The girls only got about 10 minutes of warning that we were taking Clarabelle to her new home. So, after some tears between Peyton and me we loaded her up and off we went! The woman at the farm could not have been more wonderful! She gave the girls the full tour and we left happy and secure that Clarabelle would be happy and well cared for!
It's been a great experience to raise a chicken from the egg! Science 101 is now complete!!!!!