Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Peyton has been very determined to master the cartwheel. She practices every day!

Sometimes she lands on her feet - and then sometimes she doesn't. She'll get it eventually!

Bella has gotten it into her head the last couple days that she must go for a run! When Mommy said it was too hot, Dad took pity and took her up and down the road. Funny thing is she can run farther than she's willing to walk!

From Kodiak...

Chris had a trip to Kodiak, AK last week. Here's a couple of pictures of his trip!

Just Trying to Warm Up...

Soph and Ceci came to visit! We of course had to swim after....
Checking out the chick! But it was cold in the water! We went tubing too, which I forgot to take my camera for. The girls squealed the whole time!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Digs...

Clarabelle has graduated to a new box! She has lots of feathers coming in on her wings and tail and is starting to look a little bigger.

Monday, July 19, 2010

And in other news....

We had quite the crew this morning at our house! Our driveway that we share with the neighbors was repaved this morning. The girls were fascinated by the whole process!

Meet Clarabelle!

And here she is! Well we hope she's a she! She's such a sweet little thing! We're still telling the girls that we're not keeping her - Chris and I keep discussing if it makes any sense to try to keep her for a while. So, stay tuned there could be a coop in our future!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 21 - Chick Update Part 2

It's alive!!!!! Though it may not look like it! It certainly is letting us know that it is very much alive! Loud little bugger!
We woke Peyton up at 9:15 when it was just starting to hatch. She tried to wake up, but ended up going back to bed. Poor honey had only been asleep for probably an hour and it was just too disorienting. I videoed about 15 minutes of the acutal hatch for the girls to see, I won't bore everyone else with it though!

Day 21 - Chick Update

3:00 a.m.

So this is really something - a bit of a situation! Who knew these chickens would actually hatch!

We all slept in the tent last night and I had to get up at 2:30 because the wind and a party down the way were making too much noise - so of course had to check on our baby chicks! Chick #1 had made the first crack in it's shell! I stayed and watch it so long that Chris actually thought I had ditched him and the girls for our nice soft bed!

We've watched it throughout the day and now we can see the beak and a few feathers and the little guy is making steady progress on the hole! I think by morning the girls will have a new pet!

8:50 p.m.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 20-Chick Update

Holy Chickens!!!!

I thought Peyton had taken a very subdue video of the chicken poking the air bubble - instead we got a crazy 25 seconds of the chick chirpping for the first time! We may wake up to a baby chick in the morning! Chick Number 2 seems to be taking a little longer to mature - Peyton has requested, "Mamma, let's not call it a dud yet!"

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 15 - Chick Update

No pictures or video... Not much to see at this point. The chicks are still moving and growing, but it doesn't show up very well on camera. They take up about 3/4 - maybe more - of the egg now! 6 days left!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 7 - Chick Update

We have movement! I think I'm more fascinated at this point than the girls. Though they thought it was pretty cool to see the chicks moving inside the egg! They'll be most excited if they hatch!