Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 4 - Chicks Update...

Our very fancy incubator setup...
It's a little hard to see, but, there are blood vessels coming out from a center mass! Yippee! They're growing!

Who knew! It's actually working - though still a long ways from hatching. I've been doing a lot of very scientific research - on You Tube - and we should be able to see the heart beating in the next couple of days!

Biker Babes...

We've been having fun trying out our new bike rack!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our New Obsession...

The girls were so excited to visit more chickens today - especially with the possibility of having their own no matter how short the time! There's a nursery in town that has chickens roaming around.
They were even kind enough to give the girls each a cup of chicken feed. They soon had the hens eating right out of their hands!

Peyton is now all the more convinced that she must live on a farm someday!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Should We Scramble Them...

Evidently Not!
These were our take home from the farm Poppa took the girls to today. We had such a great time visiting with all the horses and chickens! Peyton noticed a hen sitting on what she thought was a nest. No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Mike (the guy with the farm) was saying, "Well, I'll bet she just laid some eggs! Let's check!" Sure enough, there were about 6 eggs. Then..... "Here, how 'bout you take a couple home?" This was not really a question, as he put the eggs into the hands of very eager girls! Peyton was on board with scrambling them up - she loves eggs! Until Poppa - Bless him - mentioned an incubator! Well, here we are, with our two lovely eggs under a heat lamp because I refused to spend $80 on an incubator. So, if I can keep them a consistent 99.5 degrees, with the proper humidity and turn them 3 times a day - we'll have two baby chicks in 21 days! Wish us luck - we'll need it!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Could it be....

It felt almost like summer on Friday! It was the first official day of summer break and we hit the beach...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Swim Lessons...

Summer is here - at least by the date - and swimming has begun! Peyton is loving every minute! She has great form - just needs to speed it up a little!
Bella is off the stairs and out of the "baby" lessons! She's feeling very much like a big girl!

She is constantly ready to go and has great speed, just not the greatest form yet! All in all, the girls are loving it!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Family Field Trip...

We took the girls to Tennant Lake a couple of weekends ago. The weather was great and we had a great time exploring.

What's down there?
The girls were amazed at the number of lily pads! I can't remember the last time I was here - it had to be grade school!
A little windy at the top of the observation tower.