Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's a Jungle Out There!

Peyton had her very first school play last week! Her class practiced for about 6 weeks to get ready for the big day. I volunteered to supervise some of the scenery painting. Peyton painted the "U" in the banner to look like a zebra.
Peyton had the role of an elephant! She was thrilled! No speaking, but plenty of singing! Her only concern about the costume was that the ears be "BIG!" and so they were!
Her class has been doing research about jungle animals and habitats. This was Peyton's poster she made about Lions.
One more shot of the ears!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Roly Poly

Bella and Peyton have been collecting Potatoe Bugs otherwise know as Roly Polys. Bella and I were talking about hers this morning and she was telling me that she thought they were all dead and this is what she said next, "Maybe a bird pooped on them and that's not appropriate!" I just had to share! Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Island Tour, Part 3...

Unfortunately, I had built up the lighthouse as this really huge, fantastic, amazing thing! I didn't remember it being this short! The girls like the area, but were completely unimpressed by the actual lighthouse.

Island Tour, Part 2...

There were people camping nearby. I wondered if they were unaware of the hotel just down the road? Very windy location and cold! But we were fascinated by this old log.
Can't beat that!
Bella obviously thought this was too hillarious! This is looking through the large log that we were standing on.

This rock was treacherous - so of course Chris had to check it out...

then take my babies out there! I was a little panicked until they were all back on the grass!

The Alpaca Farm...

Yes, this is a very odd stop for Chris and I. However, isn't this guy the cutest thing you've every seen! We decided we could be Alpaca Farmers!
It's tough to tell in these photos how immaculate this farm is! Everything is freshly mown, not a single weed, a little lake in the back ground, white picket fences and wait.... someone who cleans the fields, yes that's right, there was a man roaming the fields scooping pooh! Now that is one clean farm!

Island Tour, Part 1...

We took Saturday morning to explore the Island. The girls really enjoyed all the different scenery! There was a whole sculpture park, but this was near the harbor. The girls were fascinated and wanted to make sure it was authentic in size to a real whale.
Next stop, English Camp. There were no reenactments happening, so the historical significance was a little lost on the girls. They did enjoy the beach though.
The formal gardens will be beautiful in a couple more weeks. We've already talked about trying to go back during the summer...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

All Dressed Up...

And somewhere to go. On our way to the wedding. This was right out front of our cottage. Though rustic - it was perfect for our weekend! Huge grass area and the pool is just to the right of the tent. A little walk into the resort/hotel area and we're...

at the wedding! The girls were very excited. It took them all of 2 minutes to shed the sweaters - It was hot!
A little silly business after the main event! Olivia and Ali had other cousins to play with as well - It was a fun time!

Wedding Weekend...

The girls were so excited to go to their very first wedding this weekend! We made the destination wedding into a little weekend vacation and had lots of time for fun stuff! This was only the second time on a ferry, so it was pretty exciting! Bella carried this phone around all weekend... All sorts of conversations were had with "friends" over the phone.
There goes the ferry! We're stuck here now!

Dare We Say it Feels Like Summer...

The girls made it to Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob's beach last week. They were so excited to be back at it!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Peyton's Jog-a-Thon...

Peyton's big Jog-a-Thon was last week - just getting to the pictures, etc.

She wanted to run 21 laps because the 21st lap got her an ice cream sundae! She bested her own goal and made 22!

We are so related!

Bella and Ali at our house eating at the bar. Shara noticed the sitting position right down to the toes! I had to sneak a picture before they could move!


Daddy Bob put his freshly waxed, and recently removed from storage boat in the water last weekend for a little fishin'! The girls were very excited - unfortunately, they didn't last long which, led to much disappointment from Daddy!

At least we got some cute shots of them holding their fancy new reals. They have lights in the real for when a fish is on!

This must have been before the "I'm hungry!" mantra started.

But they still caught one!