Sunday, April 25, 2010


I'm ready! Really I'm excited!

Bella had her first big school activity! She participated in the Trike-a-Thon and boy was she excited! It took a couple of laps for her to figure out (with a little coaching from Mom & Dad) that she could pass the slower kids... Then she was off!

Good thing she wore that sweat band on her wrist!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day...

We spent about 2 hours at Peyton and Bella's school this afternoon. We weeded, planted and spread bark. Things look much better - though there's still more that could be done!

A little reward for all our hard work!

New and Not...

We are the proud new owners of a used basketball hoop! Peyton and Chris are thrilled.

Not so new. Bella is still doing funny things with her stuffed animals at bedtime (anyone remember the underwear and blankets binding about 10 animals together). I think she is really afraid they're going to run away while she's sleeping.

First Flowers...

Bella helped me pick the most beautiful Lilacs from our yard the other night! Most beautiful, mostly because they came from our yard!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring is in the air...

Day One...

On our way to Great Wolf Lodge (which there are no pictures of) we stopped in Tacoma for a little exercise break. We were able to make it to the "nice" part of town that has been redone on the waterfront. We had a blast running around at the park.

Then we walked down to the Glass Museum. We were not adventurous enough (nor did we want to spend the money) to go in. But the outside was really cool.

After a good stretch we were on our way. Another 45 minutes in the car and we were there! I think Chris has a few pictures on his phone of the lobby, etc. but my camera did not resurface again until we got to Seattle on Friday. We lucked out on weather again. Thursday it was nice for our stop in Tacoma and then rained the entire time we were at the water slides. Only to be sunny on Friday when we arrived back in Seattle!

Day at the Zoo...

The girls and I spent a day at the zoo during spring break. It's always exciting no matter how many times we go!
Peyton thought it was great to "ride" the dragon just like on the movie we just saw.

We even saw some things we haven't seen before. I can't remember what this bird was called, but it was in a free range type exhibit and we were able to get within a couple of feet of it.

This Peacock clearly is used to people. I kept hoping it would put its tail up, but it just kept looking at me like I was a nuisance.

Egg Hunt No. 2

Explaining the rules. You can tell by their faces they just want to get started!

And they're off! There were sooooo many eggs!

Bella's having a pretty good time. There are advantages to being the little/slower cousin - sometimes the bigger girls miss stuff in their hurry!
After - we lucked out with the weather! No rain and even a little bit of sunshine!
The girls spent the rest of the afternoon looking over their score and trading eachother for stuff they didn't have. The adults had a wonderful dinner!

Easter Pose...

"Please Mom! We're freezing! Do we have to!"
The girls were less than thrilled with the pose by the Lilac bush!

Egg Hunt No. 1

The Easter Bunny really made the girls work hard for their first egg hunt of the day! Eggs were under cushions, inside drawers, etc.

We're pretty sure the girls found all of them, but we're unsure how many were hidden...
With our loot!

It's all in the Prep...

I think we like getting ready for a holiday just about as much as the actual holiday!We colored eggs... Both white and brown... The brown were fun! They came out a darker shade.

Our finished product!

Somehow we've developed a head tilt...

And we made sugar cookies! One of my personal favorites.

We have a new definition for "sugar" cookies at our house now!

Lady Bug Girl...

After a week of travel here and there, and a computer that would not download my pictures, I'm back! This was one of the 125 pictures (that doesn't include video) from the last weeks. Bella made this mask in the morning while Peyton was in school and then wore it for the rest of the day! Even the grocery store! She was very cute as only a blonde 4 year old can be!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dear Easter Bunny...

"We are not here. We are at Poppa and Grandma's"

Peyton and Bella stayed Saturday night at Poppa and Grandma's house. Friday morning on the way to school Peyton says, "Momma, if we're at Poppa and Grandma's Saturday night and Easter is on Sunday, how is the Easter Bunny going to find us!" So a letter to the bunny was a must! And look, he found them!

Looking a little sleepy...

Thanks Grandma and Poppa for having them! They had a blast and can't wait to do it again!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bella's Egg Hunt...

Bella had a great Egg Hunt at school on Thursday. The kids were so cute going through the "forest" to find their eggs. Bella was a little particular about her eggs though! Evidently they can't look like "boy" eggs!

The Last of AZ...

Peyton became an excellent Hulla Hooper while on vacation. When they weren't making special "drinks & dinners" out of the plants and water they were hulla hooping and bouncing a ball.