Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another First...

The girls saw their first 3D movie last weekend.
Bella fell asleep half way through, just like always. Peyton thought it was great!

Must Have Cat Tails...

Please, Mommy, Please!Mommy gives in...

Better run before Daddy leaves us!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just like home...

We felt very at home at the park on our last morning. We took bread to feed to the ducks and geese. However, it was at 70 degrees!
A little sweetness...

This is "The Learning Tree" at the library. Such an incredible public work of art!

"To read is to empower,

To empower is to write,

To write is to influence,

To influence is to change,

To change is to live."

By Jane Evershed

and on the other side...

"Books are the treasered wealth of the world and

the fit inheritance of generations and nations."

By Henry David Thoreau


We're almost done with vacation. Such a sad thought... but we enjoyed it so much!

We fit a lot into our 7 days.
Bella has developed quite an arm!
Just chillin'

Pool Time...

This year marked a major turning point for the girls at the pool. They could go in without Mom & Dad! Hurray! Though Chris and I spent a large majority of the time in the pool with them, it was so much more fun this year! I wasn't as obsessed with someone drowning!

Doesn't get much better than this!

Peyton thought it was fabulous that she could go under these waterfalls this year. Her feet touched easily and she enjoyed the spray.

The girls were all about diving under for objects this year. Peyton is in the back closest to Chris and the wall and Bella is in the front!

Peter Rabbit...

We loved these topiaries.
Bella was hanging on and we thought she was feeling better, but

this was her after dinner. It was time to go home.

Peyton would live here...

When I say "here" I mean quite literally at this fountain! She loves it! We've made it a tradition to go through the fountain every year. Unfortunately, this year Bella didn't feel well that night and we had to cut it short and never made it back. Oh well... next year!

While not swimming...

We soaked up some Vitamin D...
We ran as fast as our little legs would carry us...

Had yummy refreshments...

And took over the golf course...

Chris had accidentally taken the camera cord to the I have it back so I'll be posting more from our trip!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Training...

Daddy Bob arranged for us to all go to Spring Training while we were in AZ. It was such a blast! I had never been - as well as the girls had never been. Chris has been a few times, but still had a great time!
We didn't catch an foul balls -but the girls thought this was just as great!

It was 89 degrees! A Bud never tasted so good! Fortunately, Daddy Bob scored us some great seats in the shade!

Snow Cones.... We had a little stain removal when we got home!

Bella had a hard time figuring out how to get it from the cup to her mouth...

Bella on the left and Peyton on the right...

The view from the outfield area back towards home plate. We took the girls on a walk around the stadium so they could get a good idea of what it was like. Our seats were to the left of home plate. We had so much fun and made it all the way until the 7th inning. Chris and I were both shocked that the girls lasted that long! The shade was a huge perk!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cactus Time...

The girls didn't waste any time getting into the spirit today. It was dark last night when we arrived, but first thing this morning at 6:45 (really 5:45!!!) the girls were up and on the patio in the pajamas checking it all out!

A little nature walk at the White Tank Mountains.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Girls Ski...

Peyton and Bella had some great ski instructors this weekend! Mom & Dad! Mostly Dad, but Mom was there to document!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Snow Bunnies...

We had the greatest time at the mountain this weekend! We got both girls up on skiis and couldn't have asked for better weather.

Our newest snow bunny! Bella did great - I have so many photos (there will be more later) and some video (I'll try to get up later)!

Lunch breatk at the truck. The girls wolfed down their sandwiches!

Peyton was able to navigate really well by the end of day 2. Chris took her up (just the two of them) for a second lesson, of which there are no photos or video. But I'll have lots more later!