Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sledding - Part 2...

Day 2 - we had cousins to play with!!!

Olivia with Peyton

Olivia with Bella

Olivia with Bella - Wahooooo!

We had to move on to a bigger hill - it was pretty steep!!!

The day was complete with snowman! It doesn't get much better!

Apres Sled...

The girls couldn't wait to hot tub with their cousins! I was somehow elected to join them as the parental influence! Ha-Ha! You'll see I have wine and I convinced them to do this...
It didn't take much! I was telling them stories about how Uncle Chris and Uncle TT used to hot tub and then roll in the snow then jump back in the hot tub. I didn't even have to pay them - they thought it was great!

Bella was just trying to catch up - I don't think she ever did a snow angel - she's the smart one!

Sledding - Part 1...

A little blury, but you can still see how excited the girls faces are! We had so much fun! It took Chris and I 45 minutes to find this spot to sled. Thanksfully they hadn't plowed the road going into this park so we could use it. You'd think that a mountain area would have more good sledding hills - not!

Peyton - showing off her smooth moves!

This was hillarious! The girls were excited and we ran into Daddy!

Merry and Bright...

One of my favorite things about this trip every year is seeing all the Christmas lights! I feel like I leave home and it's fall and I arrive in Whistler and it's Christmas!
In front of the gigantic trees at one of the hotels. The girls remember these from years past and asked to see them again this year.

Let go of me! We're in public!

Deck the Halls...

Well, not really... We decked the Thanksgiving table. The girls made some of the decorations - cute little turkeys and then we had lots and lots of confetti! While we were enjoying the sun up on the mountain, Bob & Sue were busy cooking pie and turkey! The girls thought it was only right that they set the table...

Great Adventures...

At the Inukshuk on Whistler Mountain.
The girls inside the Inukshuk. This is the symbol of the Whistler/Vancouver Games. There's quite a long story about it and the 4 mascots - I won't go into the details. You can look it up if you're curious...

Sitting in the snowdrift outside the lodge. We had lunch up on the mountain before heading back home.

Showing off her moves...

On the way back down. It was a great adventure!

Peak 2 Peak!

On our way up the mountain to the Peak 2 Peak! None of us was nervous at this point. The Gondola is not such a big deal - I figure I could jump and have broken legs - not die... Peyton was confused on the way up, I think she was thinking it was kind of cool, but what was all the fuss... Half way up we were talking about getting off the gondola and switching over to the Peak 2 Peak gondola. Peyton says, "This isn't the Peak 2 Peak!"

This was such a great trip with so many memories created! This was definately one they'll remember when they're old! The Peak 2 Peak takes about 11 minutes.

At the top playing in the snow. I had forgotten how beautiful it is when the sun shines on the snow up there! I could tell Chris was dissappointed that we decided not to ski this year! It even made me want to go...
On our way to 3 times the Statue of Liberty in height passing over a skier in our glass bottom gondola. I thought this was fabulous - the girls were not impressed - or possibly a little nervous!

About now I started to question my sanity! We had just left the last support tower on the Whistler side and were headed towards Blackcomb.

The girls faces were plastered to the windows the whole ride!

Hmmm... I wonder how that holds us up?

We went through a cloud bank on the way over. It was really cool to go through the cloud!

One the other side...

Almost there!

Fortunately I didn't see this until I got off the thing. This is it!

Day One - Rain...

This was at the visitors center on the way into Whistler. We had never stopped before and the girls thought the Lumber Jack statue was great! It rained the whole way up and all the first night...
But there was snow on the ground, so the girls were great!

This was an old fashioned snow mobile. We thought it was kind of cool.

Following their tracks home through the snow...

We had a great start to our vacation! Excited about having turkey - again! And some yummy pie!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Peyton's Thanksgiving Poem

Peyton worked on this poem and card at school last week. It came home on Monday and she was very secretive about it and asked for an envelope to store it in because she didn't want anyone to see it before Thanksgiving. She put it in the envelope and saved it for Thanksgiving Day in Whistler. She practiced in her bedroom until we were all seated for dinner. By the time she was done we were all in tears!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gobble, Gobble...

We had a great time with family on Sunday night for an early Thanksgiving. The girls had a good time playing and getting a little cousin time in.

This was too hillarious, I can only imagine what each of them is thinking.
Peyton: We're all here can we start?
Ceci: Food! Again! You've got to be kidding me!
Bella: What am I suppose to do with this?
Soph: If I make a crazy face maybe they won't notice if I slip some to the cat...
Gia got some good action. I couldn't resist the baby photos. Here she's got a serious hold on her Daddy's hair!

Why am I here by myself?

That's better. At least the little one cares!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dutch Disco...

Peyton had her 3rd early release day in a row today. We needed an outing. So, to Lynden we went... We sat in a shoe...

We got hopped up on sugar from the candy store and ran down the sidewalk...
(Peyton is in the distance)

Then the disco-ing begins! We tried roller skating for the first time. We had a rough start but ended up having fun.

Let's go that way!

and she did...
I'm gonna falllllll...

I was probably a little insensitive and we had tears. After a recovery period, we got the hang of it.
We even got cool disco lights!!!