Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip...

Bella got to attend her very first field trip yesterday! She was beyond excited! Jumping up and down and chanting, "Punkin Patch!" over and over again!

It's a Giant Pumpking, Charlie Brown!
This was Bella's choice of pumpkin. She was very happy to just get the dang pumpkin and leave at this point! It was cooooolllld! and rainy!

Bella spotted this and had to have a picture! "It's a giant pink pig!"

This is it?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Carve 'em Up...

I wouldn't normally put such a horrible picture of myself on here... but I thought this was a pretty hilarious face!
We collected pumpkin seeds...

Peyton drew her own face this year...

This is what Bella wanted her pumpkin to look like...

Finished product! Mamma, Bella & Peyton


Future Babysitter of America
We had a little cousin time yesterday. The girls had a blast "babysitting" Gia.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Bella and I have been running/riding together for a couple of weeks now. She's such a great sport and she goes pretty fast these days. We make about a 2 mile loop with several breaks.
First, is the hopscotch break. Very important in a balanced exercise regimen.

Then we have a telescope break. Also, very important. Then there is a fishing boat break and one more hopscotch break.

Preschool is Great!

I had to get a picture of Bella and her "girl". The little girl in the red jacket is also named Isabella and Bella has decided that Isabella is her "girl". As in... my best buddy, friend forever, etc. She also looks suspiciously like Soph!
Another friend - Hazel. The girls spun around the fire pole until they both fell down!

I'm really enjoying this age. Bella is finally coming into her own and has personality to spare!
Since Peyton is in school for such a long day now, I don't get many pictures of her - Sorry. Plus she's often cranky when she gets home, which doesn't make for the greatest picture opportunities.

Not Just Pumpkins...

I might have to try growing some of these different gourds, squash, pumpkins, etc. next year. They were soooo cool!

Pumpkin Patch...

We made it to the pumpkin patch on Sunday in the sunshine! This is our favorite place in Mt. Vernon. However, this year they started charging for everything - now it's not such a great deal. Paying for a "Petting Zoo" with no petting is not the greatest! But, the girls were thrilled with their pumpkins.

Daddy's rule held this year - "If you can pick it up you can have it!" I think this might come back to bite us in a couple of years...

The train ride was really cute this year. They had redone it and used these barrels all painted in different colors.

When we carve the pumpkins we'll do part 2!

Friday, October 9, 2009

A New ABC Song...

Bella was really taken with this song. She played it at least 8 times! She got a little distracted when she realized I was recording and then Daddy came home! You'll get the gist though.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Child Labor Laws...

We put the girls to work this weekend... After they picked up pine cones they set to work sweeping the patio. They had a pretty good sized pile when they were done.