Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Look Fierce!"

Cute anyways! They spent the afternoon with Laura at the homestead... Obviously had a great time!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Movie Night...

Chris surprised Peyton with "Movie Night" for her last day of school. He brought home all the stuff from work and we set it up on the patio.
We had pizza and ice cream and watched Hotel for Dogs. It was a pretty cute movie. Peyton obviously loved it!

I've been complaining since forever that the house is too small, now we have a bonus room for the summer!

Down 2...

Peyton has been wanting to ride her bike with no training wheels for a while now. Honestly, it was Chris and my fault that it took this long. A friend had recommended having her start on the grass - genious! This was last night....

This was tonight! She did it over and over again! Very proud of herself! Tomorrow we strap the helmet on and hit the road...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tutu 'Tude...

A little bit of 'tude goes a long ways...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hot Luck...

Our kindergartener is almost done and moving on to 1st grade! That sounds so big! We had a "Hot Luck" otherwise known as a potluck with her class tonight. The kids had a great time and they sang a few songs for us at the end. This is only about 1/2 the class. The others couldn't be torn away from their activities! Such fun!!!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Chris and the girls got me the coolest (slightly over the top) presents this year! A Peekaboo Kayak (there's a window between my feet). We took it out yesterday for the maiden voyage. The girls can both go on it with me - very handy! They, and I, thought it was awesome!
And a very retro bike! The girls are thrilled that I can ride with them. They were especially thrilled that I rode it with the baloons and ribbons!

Thank you to everyone for the Happy Birthday Wishes!!!!!!!!

Not a Travel Fan...

Poor Bella comes undone so easily. We went to have passport photos taken this morning and this was photo 10. After the gentleman develop it he offered to take another try for a good one. We did finally get one with her smiling!

Me Do It...

You can all imagine the attitude that went with that statement...
However, she was absolutely gleeful that she was able to ride the big bike by herself!

Friday, June 5, 2009

A little tree trimmin'...

Chris found some guys to trim our trees "on the side". We've been talking, and tried to do it once ourselves, for three years about getting these trees trimmed.

It was very impressive to watch!

Ta Da!

Peyton practicing her mad climbing skills! We let her stay home from school and have late arrival so she could watch.

So tired...