Friday, May 29, 2009

First of the season...

First cannonballs off the dock (from left - Peyton & Olivia) - newly rebuilt by Daddy Bob!
First tube ride (from left - Olivia, Bella & Peyton). They're pretty close to shore here and feeling frisky - otherwise they wouldn't be hanging over the front!

There they go....

On the log that washed up last summer. Olivia is such a good little mother!Isn't Kona just the sweetest, shaggiest thing you've every seen! I just love her!

Our very own...

Our very own duck family with 6 ducklings! The girls were so excited to see them today.

All the pea gravel has been spread out on the beach and now there's an area to play. The girls were very excited to go down this afternoon after school and play - and see the ducklings!Yeah!!! When we get the handrails replaced on the steps we may actually be able to have family and friends down to the beach. It's only taken us 3 years to get this far!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hard Earned...

These were very hard earned beverages! We finally finished the path, complete with stone steps, down to the beach stairs. It was sooooo hot! Thank you to Daddy Bob for all his shovel fulls of rock!

A Different Kind of Old McDonald...

Long Weekend...

Amongst our many projects this weekend, the girls still got to have a little fun!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bella's First...

Field Trip! This is her "Buddy" Emma.
Pretty flowers, "Like Mamma's".

Swining with Emma.

Checking out the sheep with Teacher April and a few other kids.

Little Cousin Time...

Peyton and Bella got a little face time with their new cousin last night. Gia was very sweet and put up with multiple holdings by both girls!

Soph was MIA! Too many toys that weren't hers to play with!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Swim...

It was so warm this afternoon.... The girls were so excited to finally get their swim suits on!

Parade Time...

Peyton is clearly loving the Cotton Candy...

Bella - not so much!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Disco Jog-a-Thon

Peyton's first Jog-a-Thon! She did great running to disco fever classics.
19 laps, each lap is 1/8 of a mile.
And we're done!

Thanks for the donations!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

No More Off Road...

We finally have a nice smooth driveway! The girls got a kick out of watching all the action.

Peyton ate lunch on the lawn while Bella hid behind her.
I'll get the finished product pictures up later...

The Farm...

There's nothing better than a little fresh air and some cousin time!

I think we made this poor bunny very, very sick. The girls discovered that the bunny liked dandylions. There was no stopping them....

Nature Walk...

We took the girls to the beach last week. They had a great time collecting many, many shells and rocks that are now located in the back of the van... We even saw an Eagle and some Seals.