Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Flowers...

The girls were lucky enough to go to the tulip fields yesterday with Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob! They had a great time! Thank you!!!
The scowl...

Being sweet to eachother! They have their moments.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hippity Hoppity...

Happy Easter!
Thank you Aunt Jeanie for the card & stickers!
Thanks for a great day everyone!
The girls had a great time coloring easter eggs this year. It was the first time they really did it mostly by themselves. This and Christmas cookies are some of my best - fun - memories!


The Lochs in Seattle. We had a great time watching several small boats and a few large fishing boats go through. Even one Kayak!

This was free and I think the girls liked it most of all! Live and learn...

At the end of the road...

or the Monorail track...
Chris and I were much more enthused about going up in the Space Needle than the girls were. They really didn't get that excited about the whole thing. Peyton actually complained she was bored -"Mom, there's nothing to do!"

Once Peyton had cruised around the observation deck and looked out all the telescopes she was done. So, we went down and the girls ran around in grass some! I should have saved my money!

Little Bit of Culture...

Here's some more pictures from our Spring Break trip. The girls thought this statue was sooooo cool.

Fresh Daffodils. The girls saw a lot while at the market. I even took them to the very first Starbucks!

This is a Monk Fish. Peyton really loved watching the guys throw the fish! She wasn't so excited when the pulled on a rope attached to the tail of the monk fish!
Chris and I had a great lunch overlooking the bay watching the ferry boats, etc. The Olympics in the back ground were fabulous. The girls did not care for their fish and chips. Oh well.
Monorail! This and the new street cars were a highlight!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Great Adventures...

Our spring break outing started at opening time at the zoo. The girls were very excited to be there! I was very excited about the thick plexiglass seperating us from the fighting bears!

Peyton thought it was cool - Bella, not so impressed.

Lunch Break!

Had to get a better view. You can see Bella is wearing thin... Bella, "Bop, me baby legs!!!" Translation, "Stop, I have little legs and can't keep up!"

This poor hippo - he had no idea he would be trampeled on by hundreds of children every day!

Bella gave in - she fell asleep with Chris carrying her. He easily carried her 2 miles by the time we wound our way through the zoo and back to the car.

Back at the hotel. Feeling much better with our stuffed animals and blankies.

After dinner. "Dadda, could we please take it home!"

Thursday, April 2, 2009