Monday, March 23, 2009

It's a Jungle Out There...

We finally went to the super fantastic play area that everyone has been raving about! It was great! Not too busy, clean, and a lot of fun for the girls! Did I mention clean!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our First School Dance...

And so it begins....
Peyton's school had their annual school dance last night. This years theme was "Beach Party" to celebrate Spring! It was actually a lot of fun! If you know us -you know Chris and I were not excited about going... However, the girls had a blast and it was a great time!

Dancing with Bella for a few minutes to give Moma break!
Back with her friends learning the "Chicken Dance" Too hillarious!

And back with her friends!

My child wouldn't cheat! Well maybe at Limbo!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Swim Little Fishy..

It's that time of year again. I'm trying to get a jump start on summer, in hopes that Peyton will be swimming on her own when the weather gets nice. We'll see!

Monday, March 9, 2009


We had a couple of breaks in the weather this weekend. So, we went for a "Nigh-Nigh Waalk" to the Zoo House. It's still for sale and no one seems to want to move in there. It's for rent now as well - I think the girls are secretly hoping we might move there!

Start your engines...

We went car shopping over the weekend (no new car - yet!). The girls amused themselves by taking pictures of eachother. Bella took this one...
Peyton took this one...

And Bella took this one... Not bad for a 3 year old!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Daddy is a good sport...

We had a great weekend. Amidst the home improvement projects we had time for a trip to the park, breakfast out and a hopscotch tournament by all the boats.

Must Eat Cake...

If you've visited Shara's blog you'll know we had Crazy Hat Day at school last week. I thought it was funny that the girls (minus Olivia) just plunked down to eat cake.

Snow Day...

Our day off from school last week. It was a very cold play time...