Thursday, January 29, 2009


Our first "Big Girl" play date was yesterday. It was very successful! Peyton was thrilled and I'm pretty sure Lily enjoyed her time at our house.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ABC Song...

You can see how proud Bella is of her singing abilities.

(I know I've been on kind of a video kick....)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

We need a vacation....

I found the girls in Peyton's room with all the blankets out on the floor, the umbrella and their sunglasses - at this point their clothes were still on. When I asked what they were doing - "We're pretending we're on vacation in Palm Springs - It's hot there Mamma!"
On the neighbors trampoline - the house is vacant most of the time so we help ourselves!

I can read...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm a little snowman...

After all the school closures we finally got to see Bella sing a couple of songs! Well as much as she talks she sings! This is just one of them. She is very proud of herself!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I wonder...

who had this great idea?

Fishy, Fishy...

We took some time over the holidays to go to the aquarium. The girls absolutely love it - they were a little bummed that the weather didn't allow for a trip to the zoo too though!

The blob in the foreground is a jellyfish.

Peyton thought this was pretty neat to see the scuba diver inside the tank - Bella, like always, was not so sure.