Friday, December 26, 2008

White Chirstmas...

Fortunately we didn't have far to go for Christmas morning because it was snowing again! It was a great morning at Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob's! Breakfast was great and watching the girls tear into their gifts is always entertaining!

With our books from Auntie Jeanie & Uncle Jim! Thank you!!!

New addition to Steve & Shara's family! What a cute puppy! Chocolate Labradoodle - she is so sweet!

Peyton showing Great Grandpa how her new toy works.

Santa came...

"Santa came! I can tell because the stockings are fat!"

Don't forget Rudolph...

Bella fell asleep on the way home from Grandma & Poppa's so it was up to Peyton to leave the cookies & hot chocolate (it was cold this year!) for Santa.

Then we had to leave a little reindeer food (granola) and water for Rudolph and the other reindeer.

Playing Elf...

The girls took turns playing Elf at Grandma & Poppa's Christmas Eve. All bets were off when it was time to open the presents though - Bella wasn't about to wait and take turns!

Thanks Grandma & Poppa for a great evening!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Appropriately named Frosty!!!

We had just enough snow this morning for sledding on the boat launch hill. I know the grandma's are cringing that I let the girls sled towards the lake - they were just fine!

They were both such great sports and enjoyed the day. This evenings sledding was in 6 inches of snow!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Deck the Halls...

The girls were great helpers this year with the tree. The handed me new strands of lights as I put them up and then they put on almost all of the ornaments.
They each have the ones that they like the most...

The finished product - I like it best in the semi-dark!


We went to Seattle for all the Holiday Cheer yesterday! The girls were thrilled to go on the carousel. We skipped Santa - friends stood in line for over 4 hours!

Goodmorning Frosty...

We had a great morning - SNOW! The girls were very excited to get out and get some snow men made - though the snow was very dry - not great for snowballs. Still had lots of fun!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bella turns 3!

Bella had a great birthday! Thank you to all the family for coming and help us celebrate. 3 always seems to be the first year they get that it's all about them! We made (or tried to make) graham cracker gingerbread houses. They were a bit of a disaster - but I don't think the kids minded.

Bella had a quick snuggle on the couch with Grandma and her Buddy Ceci.
All the cousins were so great at gift time - thank you all for the amazing presents. Bella is in love with all of them!

Jeanie - these pictures are for you - we wish you and Jim could have been here!

The ham that makes even me look like I can cook!!!

Full Swing...

Christmas is in full swing at our house. We've had the decorations up for a while, but we're completing them with snowman window clings...The first of I'm sure at least 3 gingerbread houses....

complete with garage....

we pretend to be reindeer at least once a day...

and we brought our tree home on Saturday. The girls and I are hoping to put it up tonight!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Snow Bunnies...

Peyton took real lessons this year. So that freed up Daddy Bob & Daddy for their own ski day - however, they didn't ski as long as Peyton!

Thanksgiving #2...

Whistler - we made the trek again this year. And it was so much fun!!!


Cinnamon roles and pancakes for breakfast.