Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend Part 2...

We decided it was time to do a little beach clean up. Someday we'll have better stairs - but these are them! Not many people have been down the bouncy, homemade stairs. The girls are great about going up and down - they both do it all by themselves with Chris or I below them in case they fall - It's a long, steep way down to the rocky water.

We had two huge fires to burn all the limbs and brambles. We had some pretty tall flames - Peyton is 4' and the base of the fire was 2' below where she's standing.


We had family pictures this weekend and the girls were most excited to wear their Christmas outfits & shoes finally!
This is what the girls thought of pomegranates.

Fuzzy Wuzzy!

Monday, November 10, 2008

I don't care if your bum gets dirty...

For whatever reason the girls did not want to sit in the leaves. Now, if I had told them not to, it would have been just fine to get dirty!

Here comes Santa Claus...

We're starting Christmas early this year! We've picked out the tree (we'll go cut it after Thanksgiving - if I had a fake one I would put it up now), we've put up our lights on the trees outside and the house and they have eggnog at Starbucks!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat...

We had a very big day yesterday! After school we started Trick or Treating at Grandma & Poppa's where the girls were treated to chocolate cupcakes! Then we traveled further north to Sohie & Ceci's house and had a super time with the superheroes! Then it was back to town to meet up with Daddy and visit some of the businesses downtown. A little break for dinner had us back out on our street visiting 4 houses then down to the old neighborhood and Grammy Sue's. It was a very busy afternoon! Thankfully we did a lot of walking for the girls wore off the chocolate buzz and slept soundly!