Sunday, October 26, 2008


Yep, we went bowling. That's Peyton flinging her ball down the lane. Where we lack finesse we make up for it with brute force.
We had Ceci, Soph, Uncle Wes & Auntie Tracy to add to the entertainment value.

Punkin Patch - Part 2...

We finally carved our pumpkins. Peyton's is on the right, Bella's is in the middle and Mom &
Dad's is on the left. Peyton drew her own face and then I carved it for her. Bella drew all over hers and then we carved a face together.

Peyton wanted the biggest pumpkin she could find. Chris made a deal with her - if she could lift it, he would buy it for her!

Fall Bike Ride...

It was coooolllllld!!! I think we've moved from fall right into winter.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Punkin' Patch...

Peyton, Chloe & Mai on the way to the pumpkin patch for school. We broke the kids (27 in Peyton's class) into groups for each parent. These were mine.
Peyton is so used to me taking pictures all the time. I don't think the other girls were quite so used to it. They all had a great time though!

Friday, October 3, 2008

So Cool...

See anything different!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Picture Day...

Peyton had pictures at school today. I "finally" let her wear her special dress, tights and sweater that she bought with Daddy.
Now that all my pots are empty I didn't have anyplace for the girls to stand - the lavendar plants had to do.

Park & Pearls...

Bella is quite the stylista! Not to be outdone even if we're at the park.